Brianna William

44 11 7

Brianna's POV

"OK, byee" my best friend Sheela waved enthusiastically .
" bye" I said softy.
Sheela has been my friend since I mistakenly ran over her with my car, that was about a year ago.
It all ended up fine at least after spending about 2 hours in jail until I called my lawyer.

I went for a hospital appointment in New York city, I've been asthmatic since when I was born. So I always leave Kansas city for New York once my yearly appointment approaches .
I lodged in one of the best hotels in NYC, I can't even remember the name

Ughh! I think palace something, something palace.

I met Sheela there and she escorted me off at the airport.
I quickly checked in and went towards the first class section.
I searched  then found my seat.
I usually disguised myself while I'm in public to prevent the rowdiness and trouble I get from fans. I decided to stop this but about last week, a random guy slapped my ass and shouted "yeah , I slapped Brianna William's ass, one hundred dollar going!"he announced auctioning his palm that hit my ass.
I was so irritated and decided to never ever ever go as myself in public.

Disguising myself more , I brought a lace eye cover, to cover my eyes. Shh! There's a secret, I could see through the blind so if anybody tried or wanted to try to touch me while  I'm fake-sleeping, I'll definitely know .

Soon enough, the pilot announced our taking off and I noticed the seat beside me , still vacant.
Thank goodness.

Just as I rested my head on the head rest, a man came along and sat next to me.
Ugh, crap.
Here goes nothing.

I still laid down, pretending to sleep. I was a little bit tempted to sleep, but I held still.
I caught the guy next to me, sneakily checking me out.I tried to see his face through the lace cover, but I could only see his built figure and his dark skin.
I relaxed a bit and fell comfortably asleep.
I was woken up by a female voice from the other side of our seats, " coffee or tea" she asked the guy beside me.
I didn't hear what he said in return but I know he didn't get any of the coffee or tea.
The lady went off behind us.
Then soon enough, I saw a different lady coming towards me with the tray through my lace eye cover.
"Coffee or tea ma'am" she asked, 
I couldn't remove the eye cover to prevent being recognized, so I just gestured a "no" to her.
She was about to leave when the guy beside me called her back.
"Umm, can I have a cup of coffee?", he asked with a charming voice. I took of one side of my eye cover and looked at the man.
Wait, I thought he just refused an offer right now. Lord! Let it not be what I'm thinking that he's thinking of doing.
" sure Sir " the lady said.
Just give the coffee and get over with all this.
"Oh-maa- god" I heard myself screaming.
What the hell just happened.
This guy just spilled coffee on my body, and now I'm so sure he want the coffee ,he just wanted my attention judging by the way I saw him looking at me with a thinking expression.
He stayed in that position where he spilled the coffee for some seconds before he managed to speak.
"I'm sorr.."
"Sorry? Yeah, thanks for destroying my dress and make up". I'm so pissed, not because of anything but for the fact that there's a 99% percent that he did this purpose.
I sat on my seat all drenched, I couldn't move cause the pain was growing faster and I was all wet.
"Sorry ma'am, let me get some towels" the plane attendant said while running off.
I unbuckled my seatbelt.
Clearly what some GUY forgot to do.
"Is everything OK here?" I heard a male voice speak.
I didn't bother to look up now because I was still trying to clean myself with some handkerchief he handed earlier. "Umm,yeah, she just had a bad dream and woke up screaming, but everything's OK now" I heard the guy's voice.
Yes, better explain how you drenched a lady with hit coffee.
Wait, what did I just hear?
Oh this guy's got some guts.
"Are you crazy, he ...." I tried defending myself but was cut off by the lady with towels handing them to me.
I took them and stood up.
I called the lady softly, soft enough that the guy and that man attendant couldn't hear.
" can you show me a place where I could go freshen up?" I asked.
" sure, come, follow me ma'am ".
I took my small bag and left with the lady.
She directed me to a ward's room.
I took out my clothes and the lady excused me.
I dried myself, and changed my dress to another black one ,I redid my makeup and left the room. I dressed formally because I was heading for a meeting when I get off the plane.
I went back to my seat now wishing I could ask for a change of seat.
I got there and met the guy all relaxed on his seat.
How pathetic, he doesn't even care,
He had his ears covered with a red headset and had a note on .
I  don't think he heard me sitting down, but I noticed him sniffing his nose like a cute baby boy.
Must be my perfume.
Cliche much.
Spiritually smirks.
We stayed in peace and quiet until I started hearing click click, click click.
It was loud because the plane was quiet and there's a hundred percent possibility that he's doing this on purpose.
Of course its him, I don't have to turn and check.
The noise was persistent, and I'm not ready to give my attention to him or the noise.
Click click.
OK I can't take this anymore.

I tapped his arm swifty, making him jerk like gave him a blow.
"Shit!", he said,
Language please?
" umm, do you mind?" I said, ignoring his exclamation and gesturing towards his thighs to see the pen.
He was still flicking the pen,then he  stopped and said "oh" yeah, like you don't control your own fingers.
"Yeah, stop it" I said, I didn't mean  it to be harshly expressed, but the deed was done and I'm not apologizing after all he's done.
" you know you don't have to be so cold" ,he said, with an annoyed look.
OK this hurt me ,but I won't show it.
Be, strong BRI
I didn't pay anymore attention to him cause I was pissed and also hurt. I must ignore him now, no matter how long he keeps playing his games.
I slowly dozed off, at least I could relax before my meeting.
Soon enough, just as I was about to kiss my long lost prince charming (yep, haven't been in any serious relationship, sigh. Not like im looking for one but sigh because I had to tell you,...... Sigh)
I felt a hand on my wig,trying to do whatever he'll explain that he was doing.
Has he figured who I am?
Did James fix the wig well?
What if I'm found out?
Well, I'm not a criminal so if I'm found out, I'll still be safe, just random screams and gasps.
Yep, used to it.
"What are you doing?" I asked, confused as hell.
"Chill, lemme just ....".

No no no no no, don't 'lemme just' with my hair, only James , my hair stylist is allowed to 'lemme just' with my hair.
I withdrew from his contact as fast as I could, I wouldn't bare  him recognizing me.
Then BOOM.
Holy mother of Jesus!.
I yanked out my wig, my very expensive beautiful blonde wig,
I feel so embarrassed, so humiliated, I didn't even notice when i started panting hard.
Removing the wig in public wasn't just the issue, I had a wig cap on.
Mentally weeps.
I heard gasps and screams from behind me ,
Good, now I've been found out.
Thanks to Mr" i must check if its a wig ".

I have to do something to cover up this mess, I thought for some while ,while some people took pictures of me on my wig cap.
Um, miss BRI, you know you do have natural hair right?.
That voice said.
Oh yeah, that's right I do have natural hair,
Take that Mr hotty guy.
Wait what... Just never mind.
I glanced at him now with the who's laughing now face as I took off my cap and over dramatically swayed my long dark hair side to side.
He looked amazed, and right now, I don't care about the paparazzi.
I be live I gave a fantastic come back.
Well I don't really know all these things and all, but I still felt victorious.
Silly girl.
I chuckled , proudly raising my shoulders as I seat back.
Soon enough, it was time to land.
Thank goodness.
I took my stuff and immediately flew from my seat and ran off the airport before I get found out.
I wore shades to help in the disguise and all.
I left the airport and got into my car .
On my seat, I remembered everything that happened while on the plane and I smiled

Hey guys, sorry for the late update and sorry in advance for any other late updates.
I've been busy.
Anyways, hope you guys like Brianna .
There's more drama to come
So please don't forget to vote, comment and share.

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