121- Nysa And Nova Get Sorted

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"The sorting ceremony involves a twelve foot dragon." Halley told the twins as the Longbottom family arrived at Platform Nine and Three Quarters the year that the twins were meant to start school.

"Halley stop winding them up." Neville told his daughter.

"Your sister likes a joke." Venus told the twins. "Don't listen to a word she says."

"You guys are late again." Sirius shook his head as the Longbottoms neared the place that their friends and family were gathering to see their children off, "I can't believe you almost missed the train again Halley."

"You miss the train once and no one lets you forget it!" Halley complained.

"No, and they never will," said Harry, with a small smile, obviously remembering the time that he and Ron had flown to Hogwarts.

"How did Alfie do in his OWLs?" Venus asked Sirius. She hadn't had a chance to see her father and brother since the OWL results had been released.

"He got an O in Charms." Sirius said proudly, "he got an E in Transfiguration-"

"I told him he could pass it." Venus laughed

"Mum!" Nysa said loudly, "can you tell Halley to shut up!"

"Halley, shut up," said Venus, "why does she need to shut up?"

"She's being irritating." Nysa glared at his sister.

"Oh my baby is all grown up!" Mali was hugging Selene tightly, whilst George patted his wife's back.

"Mum!" Selene was complaining, "get off me!"

"Lily, make sure you write." Ginny was telling her youngest daughter, was was trying to run off and board the train.

"I will mum!" Lily squirmed out of her mother's grasp and sprinted off onto the train.

"Bye mum!" Nysa followed Lily.

The train hooted loudly, releasing a cloud of smoke.

"Right, off you all go," Venus extracted Selene from Mali and herded the rest of the children onto the train. "I'll see you at the feast, try not to kill each other on the train."

"You lot are going to have so much fun this year!" Ginny told the children as the train began to move.

The adults all waved, watching the excited looks on their children's faces as the train sped away.

"Please tell me, you haven't been betting on what houses these guys are going to be in?" Venus asked Neville and Sirius after the train had disappeared.

"Of course we have," laughed Neville.


"Longbottom, Nova," McGonagall called. Venus gave her daughter an encouraging smile as she walked shakily up to the three legged stall.

Out of all of the children that Venus knew who were starting Hogwarts that year, Nova was definitely the most scared. She had always been a shy child, and Neville had often compared Nova to himself when he was younger. The girl mainly kept to herself and preferred the company of books to the company of people.

"HUFFLEPUFF!" The hat declared, for the entire hall to hear. Nova took off the hat and hurried over to the Hufflepuff table.

"Teddy will be overjoyed," Lupin said, whilst clapping loudly like the rest of the hall.

"Longbottom, Nysa," McGonagall called. Nysa hurried towards the stall, with a much more excited look in his face than his sister had.

The hat remained on Nysa's head for quite a long time, before yelling, "GRYFFINDOR!"

Nysa ripped the hat off and hurried to the table, where Halley and James were both clapping and whooping loudly.

"We just won twenty Galleons," Neville murmured to Venus.

"You're impossible," Venus laughed, watching as the next child was sorted.

"Potter, Lily," was called up not long later. The hat spent a while deciding what house to put Lily in, but not quite as long as it spent on Nysa.

"GRYFFINDOR!" The hat yelled, Lily hurried over and sat beside her brother James, who patted her on the back.

Finally the very last person to be called up was, "Weasley, Selene."

"HUFFLEPUFF!" The hat roared.

"That's forty Galleons to me," Neville grinned at Sirius triumphantly.

I just enrolled to start Collage! My student ID card makes me look awful (it's worse than my passport, and that's saying a lot)!
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~Em xx

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