Grimsley x Reader

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So my friend Jackalight wanted this. So here you go...

You were at the casino, wasting away the last of your money. You lost everything. Your job, your pokemon, your family. You lost everything. You had nothing left. 

Nothing left. Maybe you can win soemthing back. But you didn't probably gamble it back. If you couldn't you'd give it to some free loader gambler who'd waste it all within the week.

You wanted to drink all your problems away, but you really didn't want to ask the bartender for some hardcore liquor because you looked like you did. A small child. You weren't child! Plus you had nerves of glass and literally any comment would get to you right now.

You sat at the little table where you were playing poker. All or nothing. Every single dollar was in the center. You're luck was shining when you didn't want it to. You were oakying against some big shots apparently. 

Millions of dollars on the line. Everyone placed down their hands. This guy who was bald excelt a long fluff of link hair had a straight flush of hearts from five to ten. This scary looking old lady had a royal straight of diamonds and hearts. The black haired man with a long scarf you actually found quite attractive had almost a royal flush if the ten of spades was an ace. Either way any he had the high straight flush.

They table turns to you. You blush and place down your hand. You don't want the winnings....

"well I'll be d*mned. Looks like Grimsley lost his touch to be besten by a pretty little thing."

The old lady slides the money to you while the pink man talks to the attractive man. You feel his cobalt eyes on you. In a low voice you said:

"I don't want it."

The old lady keeps pushing the money towards you. She urges you to take it. But you didn't want it. The less moon y you have the Sooners you die. You don't want millions of dollars, you wanted to starve,

"I don't want it!"

You shout but cover your mouth with a squeak. Were you thst loud?! You stood up and just ran away crying. They can keep the stupid money! You don't want it!

Grimsley, the attractive man with the scarf, glared at Tanitha like she did something wrong. She raises her hands in defense and Sydney just starts laughing his drunk butt off. Grimsley was the only sober one so he had to take the responsibility of finding the girl and giving her the money.

She wasn't hard to find. She was just crying st the back of the building. He sat down next to her, much to the girl's surprise. She was a cute little thing, but she obviously had soemthing going on.

"You left your money."

You heard his voice grow, out. You kinda snapped a little.

"I said I don't want it! Oh, sorry..."

You didn't mean to shout again. You looked down, easy to let more tears pour. He rests a comforting hand on your shoulder.

"Hey, I know you must be going through soemthing, but you need to calm down. Just let the darkness surround and calm you. It always helps me."

Darkness? Yeah. Darkness was calm. The darkness of death is what you wanted. Nothing else to live for. You closed your eyes and let the darkness envelop you. 

Grimsley noticed you calming down. Your breathing regulated once more and your eyes closed. Good. Maybe when you were sober, becsuse he thought you were drunk, he'd be able to give you what was rightfully yours.

But until then he did stay right by your side, he wasn't going anywhere.

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