Jin nodded and quickly squeezed a plop of light blue toothpaste out onto his toothbrush. He brushed his teeth as quickly as possible, uncomfortable with the fact Hoseok was watching him intensely as he brushed his teeth and looked at himself in the mirror. When Jin was done, Hoseok handed him a somewhat fluffy, off-white towel and a small washcloth for his shower. He then left to let Jin relieve himself and clean up.

Hoseok left him alone in the bathroom but said he would have to wait outside of the door for Jin to finish showering. He had been instructed to be quick about things and not to lock the door. It wasn't as if the door could be locked, though. The lock had been broken. But Jin still couldn't believe it – he was being left alone and his clothes weren't being taken. He quickly finished his business and washed before he slipped a hand into his pocket. He almost cried in relief as he pulled his phone out into his hand. He had never been more thankful to have a device in his life. With shaky hands he pulled up his messages app and sent a quick text to his parents.

Jin: I'm ok ive been kidnpped and theyr holding me idk wher pls help me

Eomma: oh my god, Jin we were afraid you were dead!

Appa: Where are you??


Jin: Im afraid pls try and get omeone 2 find me

Appa: Jin, can you call the police?

Jin: I dont know but I can try

Appa: Do that ok? They'll have a better chance of finding you than us

Jin threw a look to the door. He was taking too long. He quickly ripped his shirt off, barely being mindful of his wrists before turning the water on. It would hopefully mask some of the sounds he would be making. He just hoped Hoseok and Jungkook wouldn't be listening through the door

Jin: Ok pls remember I love u

Jin went to his phone and dialed the police. He turned the volume down as low as he could while still being able to hear. Ring, ring, ring, ri – "This is the Busan Police Department, what is your emergency?"

So they were near Busan....

Jin started crying. He was so lucky and he was so close! Maybe he could actually escape! He tried to keep his sniffles down, though. He didn't want to alert the men outside the door in any way.

"Please, help me, I've been kidnapped!" Jin whispered into the phone, "My name is Kim Seokjin and I was taken as a hostage in the bank robbery in -"

There was a surprised gasp, "I know who you are, sir. We've been searching for you. There were no ransoms made for your return."

"I don't think they're going to return me. Please, help me!"

"I need you to calm down. Where are you, sir?"

"I don't know!" Jin broke down, fully crying. They couldn't help him. They didn't know where he was. He slid down a cold tiled wall onto the floor, "I don't know, I don't know – please I just want to go home!" Jin almost jumped out of his skin as a knock sounded on the other side of the door.

"Are you ok in there?" Hoseok yelled over the sound of the shower.

Jin gulped down his tears and helpless feelings and answered back shakily, "Y-yeah, I'm fine... almost done..." he turned back to the phone, "Please, help me, they're getting restless!"

"Who are you talking to?" Jungkook shouted through the door as well, banging on the paint chipped wood a few times.

Jin panicked, "M-myself!" he shouted back.

"We're coming in there." Hoseok replied. The door knob turned and Jin looked around wildly for something to protect himself with or perhaps some kind of escape route. There was nothing he could do and nowhere he could go.

He only got to choke out, "Please, they're coming!' before his phone was ripped from his grasp and thrown onto the cold tile floor, shattering the screen and random pieces bouncing everywhere as the cell phone broke. Jin only had a moment to realize it was Jungkook that had smashed his phone before he too was taken to the ground by the brute.

"What's going on?" a deep voice Jin recognized asked from the doorway of the bathroom.

Jungkook didn't let Jin turn his head to get a better look. His hand came down on the older man's head, pushing him down into the small, shattered pieces of plastic and letting his cheek be smashed into the floor.

"This bitch tried to call someone while we weren't looking." Jungkook answered with gritted teeth. Jin whimpered as his words were accompanied by twisting Jin's arm behind his back, painfully.

"Oh..." the deep voice replied, "RM is gonna be pissed...."


You guys are so sassy with your comments and it kills me and I love it so much omg it's amazing I love you guys so much!!!

Also, another update. I'm going to try and increase the update schedule so you guys can have more Pretty Boy Jin XD

Also, something big is coming in the next chapters....

Please comment and vote!!!!

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