The Mean Girls

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Hey minna!
I'm back and I found this pic in my camera roll from the billions of screenshots I took while scrolling through Pinterest looking at otaku pics. I hate cliff-hangers and I hate them more when I need to wait 3 years to see what happened so I tried to get this up as soon a possible without making it short or bad to make up for leaving you guys with a cliff-hanger. Also I'm writing this in the middle of the night so I might fall asleep writing this. Warning this has curse words in it, I already put a warning but some people go straight to the fanfic and I don't want a bunch of comments from people saying that I'm inappropriate.

Ok I'm talking too much here's the story


Previously: "Storm-sama doesn't like me because I'm worthless" I saw a tear drop down Nashi's face as she said worthless "Why do you think that" Natsu asked Nashi with concern in his voice "W-well.." Nashi said

{Natsu's POV}"These girls were saying I was a little worthless piece of s-word and everyone started agreeing and calling me 'Dumb Dragon Girl' as some type of rude nickname" Nashi said chocking back her tear

"Hell no! No one bullies my little girls and gets away with it" I yelled with so much anger that I couldn't to anything but scream "We're going to the school to
make them stop" Luce said with a very scary look in her eye

"No! They said if I told on them then they would make my life a living hell" Nashi said grabbing Luce's shirt "If we go to the school and they get in trouble they won't be able to do anything to you" Luce said to Nashi reassuringly "O-okay they have after school practice so they're still at the school" Nashi told Luce trying to hide her fear and look brave

"Well let's go" I said hoping I get to tell one of those little shits off, bullying Nashi who do they think they are "Natsu we're gonna go there and talk to the teacher" Luce said as if she read my mind "I know that Luce what else would we do" I told her rolling my eyes

"Don't roll your eyes I saw the look on your face I know you wanted to do something to the people who were bullying Nashi" Luce said with her hands on her hips "Hehe it's like you can read my mind" I said giggling

"Papa it's obvious what you were thinking since you had that grin mixed with anger" Nashi said mimicking Luce with her hands on her hips "Stop being a smart-ass like your mother" Nashi and Luce started giggling "Alright let's go" Luce said. We arrived at the school

{Luke's POV} "Oni-san is soccer already over?" Nashi asked me while running towards me

"No we have a break" I replied "So you used that break to flirt with Em-chan?" Nashi said giggling at how Emma and I were blushing "W-we were j-just talking" I told her

"Well it didn't look like you were just talking to me" Nashi said with one of those grins my dad does when he's teasing someone "S-shut up Nashi-chan go somewhere and kiss your little 'Storm-sama'"Emma said mimicking Nashi and making kissy faces

"Hey! It was supposed to a secret that I called him that!" Nashi yelled at Emma "You guys really crack me up sometimes" I said as I bursted out laughing

{Nashi's POV} Well, well, well look who it is" I heard a familiar voice say from down the hallway "Who's that?" Oni-san asked me while unknowingly protecting me with his arm "What do you want" I hissed at the girl

"Well now you have another nickname 'Little Shity Snitch' has a nice ring to it don't u think Dumb Dragon Girl" The girl said finally reveling herself "What did you just call my sister!" Oni-san looked ready to slap this girl

"Oh so someone actually cares about this piece of shit" the girl said acting shocked "Shut the hell up all you have are little thots that follow you around because they think your cool" Em-chan snapped at the girl "Bitch please my real friends aren't thots" the girl said rolling her eyes "I know you didn't just call me a bitch you little slut!" It was over Em-chan had completely snapped, that girl was totally screwed

"Did you just call me, Saku, a slut?" Saku said pretending to look offended. Em-chan was about to say something but I lost control because I wanted her to leave already "Bitch can you shut the fuck up already your stinky ass is gonna make me faint" I told Saku as Oni-san and Em-chan just stared at me in utter and complete shock, even Saku was dumbfounded

"Shut up Little Shity Snitch" Saku said attempting to defend herself "Can you stop with the retarded ass nicknames already, your enough of a bitch already you don't need to make it worse" I told Saku while crossing my arms

"I told you to shut up you piece of shit!" Saku yelled as she tried to punch me "Ha you'll need 1000 more years of practice before you can actually make me try" I said as i dodged the punch without barely moving

"Na-nashi-chan who knew you were such a badass" Em-chan said, still shocked "Well, that's a colorful vocabulary Nashi" Oni-san chuckled "Really? I wasn't even trying I just got annoyed" The girl charged at me while I was talking thinking she could get a punch in

I punched her in the face and slammed her into the ground while still casually talking to Em-chan and Oni-san "Well, this girl is really annoying" I told Em-chan

"Owww that hurt, good job you can pack a punch, piece of shit" Saku said rubbing the wound I gave her, Oni-san, Em-chan, and I all broke out laughing

"Oml I can't breath" Em-chan said rolling on the floor from laughing too hard "D-did... She.... Say....... What..... I... Think... She ...... Did" Oni-san managed to say in between laughs "I can't believe you thought I..... hahaha" I said unable to finish my sentence from laughing

"Why the hell are all of you laughing" Saku said angrily "She.... Wasnt... even.... TRYING!!" Oni-san said on between laughs "W-what n-no way that punch hurt like hell and I think my tooth is loose now" Saku said in denial

"If you think that then I should show you what it's like when I actually try" I said lighting up my fist ready to punch her "AHHHHHH, FIRE CAME FORM YOUR HAND!!! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU!! ITS WITCHCRAFT!!" Saku yelled at the top of her lungs

{Lucy's POV} I heard a girl yelling something about a hand being on fire "Oh no" I said looking at Natsu half hoping it wasn't Nashi half hoping it was, I mean I didn't want anyone's hand to be on fire but I don't want Nashi losing control and burning down the school "I'll go see what's going on" Natsu told me as he walked away"


Holy crap that was long. It took like 3 hours and my fingers hurt from nonstop writing and I had to keep making fixes to it. Well part 2 came out earlier than expected but only because I felt bad about the whole cliff-hanger thing so I was trying to get it done.

Oml I wrote like 1,300 words already I hope it's not too long.

I hope you enjoyed and idk if I'll fall asleep any time soon or of if I'll just keep writing but yeah, see you in the next post

Bye minna!
Anonymous_Otaku21 out!

- Anonymous_Otaku21

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