Feelings, I don't do them

Start from the beginning

"Very good William, I'm glad that in person you are even better than perfection. I will see you officially in class on Monday." Elio got up to shake the boys hand.

"Thank you Mr. Perlman, I'm so excited to be playing for you and I go by Will." Will had a slight southern accent, Elio hadn't checked to see where he was from.

"Ok Will, well why don't you and your mother join me and my family for dinner, we would love to have you." Elio knew that his table would be full again tonight, nothing had changed whether they are in B or in New York there would always be guests at his table.

"That's very generous of you Mr. Perlman. William and I would love to be your guests tonight." Wills mother answered.

"Great, my fiance is making prosciutto tonight."

"Oh that sounds wonderful. If you don't mind me asking what does she do?" Will's mother asks.

"He, is a professor at Columbia, and he's in the kitchen right now cooking." Elio smiled.

"Oh that's lovely, I can barely get my husband to pick up a sponge to help with the dishes. How do you get yours to cook?" She laughed.

"What can I say he loves to cook."

Dinner was laid out on the table outside, the guest have sat down.

"Oliver can you call the boys?" Elio asked, Oliver walked in the house.

"You have children?" Wills mother asked.

"Yes, well they are from Oliver's first marriage."

Jona came outside first, he sat down in front of Wills mom. Christopher followed behind him, he looked up at Will who smiled at him.

"Christopher, where is Jude?" Oliver asked.

"Um,he had a date tonight."

"Ouch, it has finally happened, he dumps you for a girl." Oliver jokes.

"Oh haha real funny dad, you're a comedian." Christopher mocked him teasingly.

"I thought it was funny dad, no matter what Christopher says." Jona sucked up.

"You're such a kiss ass, Jona." Christopher rolled his eyes at his little brother.

They sat talking to their guests about their home in Italy the summer that they had and about the current status of the school what to expect from Juilliard. Christopher gets up from the table.

"I'm gonna head out I'll see you all at breakfast."

"Ok, well take my phone in case you need something. Do you have enough money?" Oliver asked him.

"Yeah I'm good, just heading to the field. I'm out of shape, I need all the practice I can get. It was nice meeting you all." Christopher half waved to them and ran upstairs. He changed into running shorts and an old t-shirt that had the sleeves cut off and split down the sides. He popped in his earbuds and ran out the door, he was listening to the music so loud the outside world was drowned out. He felt a tug on his backpack, turning he saw David and looking out of breath. Christopher took his earbuds out.

"Yeah?" Christopher said.

"Why were you ignoring me? I was yelling for you when you ran onto the sidewalk."

"I had on my headphones, obviously David." Christopher was annoyed now, he was still pissed at David.

"Oh sorry I didn't know that. I figured you hated me, you didn't answer any of my emails."

"I don't hate you David, as much as I'd love to hate you, I don't."

"With the way you reacted last night, I saw your face Christopher you went to instant hate."

Summer, 1983 (I'll call you by mine)Where stories live. Discover now