The Match

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Jadzia walked around, skipped more likely, and passed McGonagoll's office in the process. She also heard a few lines of the conversation being held there.

"....Hya was really lucky, if she had died... I don't know what's going on with her. She is distant, even in the lessons, but at the same times immensely advanced with magic...."

Jadzia recognized the voice to be from her Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Eldry. But that wasn't the information that let her slip and fall in the hallway.

Hya, a friend she made not so long ago, could have been dead now. She didn't know what happened, but figured the best way to find out was to simply run to the Hospital wing. When she faced the caretaker for who she had respect, she walked with a quick pace, and the cat followed her for a few more corridors, but eventually she found her way and opened the oaken doors.

"I won't tell anyone dear." Madame... What was her name again? Jadzia was really bad with names... turned away from Hya and stopped with talking, like she was caught on something. But Jadzia didn't mind because Hya was there, in a bed, smiling through some pain.

"Hya! What happened! Oh no, did Olaf do something? I heard something about him... Don't remember what exactly but... How are you doing?" Jadzia stuttered, a bit afraid Hya wouldn't recognize her as a friend. Was she a friend?

"I'm okay, thank you. Olaf did nothing. I-I did." Hya looked away, her gaze turning towards the large windows. 

"Are you... er... Are you hurt? Somewhere?" Jadzia sought some acceptance from the nurse, still she couldn't remember her name. But she just stood there, unfazed, and watched the conversation.

"No, I'm actually fine. They just want me to... stay safe." 

"They? Who...?"

Her question was not answered because at that exact moment, the doors opened and Nikki came running in.

"Hya! I was so worried! And so is Jasmine, but I couldn't just...." she stopped talking, probably because she hadn't expected to find a fourth year student visiting Hya.

"Hi. I'm Jadzia." Jadzia didn't know whether or not to extend her hand to shake, or something, so she just waved. Gosh she must've looked stupid.

"Oh. Er... I'm Nikki... Hya's best friend." Nikki was small, Jadzia thought, with raven black hair and innocence but fierceness in her eyes. Was she, just now, really comparing her to herself? Or why else would she include 'best friend'?

"Nikki! Nice to see you. I'm sorry, I really wasn't thinking. I will be watched for a few weeks, at least."

"No way! They actually think you would do this again?" 

"Yes they do! Weird hah?"

And then they laughed. A comfortable laugh, as if they had some inner joke that Jadzia would never understand.

In that moment, she felt lonely. Unwanted. Unimportant. 

"Jadzia, I am glad you came too. I wanted to speak with you again but I couldn't find you in this maze of a castle." 

Thank the stars, or anything. Hya did think of her as a friend.

"Sure! Why don't you come tot he next quidditch match? Slytherin against Hufflepuf. I won't be playing, but..."

"That would be great!" Hya smiled, and it made Jadzia feel warm inside.

"Could... could I come too?" Nikki asked. 

"Of course! And bring Jasmine. It's next Sunday. I will wait for you outside the Hufflepuf common room." Jadzia smiled at Nikki, thinking maybe she could make even more friends then the two she had in her own class.

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