Keep your Friends close

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It wasn't a very decent word to think about, but when you just said you committed murder, and someone heard, you can't really think of something decent. You just think 'SHIT'.

Eldry gestured towards the open door leading to her private room. Hya understood and ran inside. It was a small room, with a bed, a wardrobe, a sink, that kind of stuff. All the books were in the other room, but there was one laying on top of the red sheets; 'Werewolves and How to Recognize the Symptoms'.

"Can I come in?" someone asked, it was a boy's voice, Hya remembered hearing it but she didn't remember from who it was. Hopefully not from Olaf, but she would know his voice....

"Yes, just a moment." Eldry sorted a few parchment rolls that didn't need sorting, and then continued to say; "Come on in".

Hya sat down on the side of the bed. From here she couldn't see the visitor or Eldry, so they couldn't see her. 

"Did I interrupt something?" 

"No, no... I was just grading papers. But what brings you here so late?" 

"I - I thought I heard...." now she knew who the voice belonged to. It was the Prefect, something with a Jo... Jones? Jonas Jones? Yes, that was it. What would he ask? Something about Prefect stuff, probably.

"There is no one here, I guess you just thought you heard something. But please answer my question, Jones. What brings you here late in the afternoon? We aren't supposed to discuss your duties till next week." 

Hya thanked Eldry for being so calm.

"I got another letter from my father. He asked me to ask some questions here and there, to try and get the mystery of Birdy out." 

Hya silently moved closed to the door and watched the two from the shadows.

Eldry smiled slightly. "Did he ask or command?"

Jonas looked away from Eldry. "Well... It wasn't a thing I could decline."

"And did you get any useful information?"

Jonas still wasn't looking at Eldry, he looked at the ceiling. "Not really."

"Well... I am sorry to disappoint you but I have to tell you off. Birdy isn't real."

Hya could hear her blood pump through her head. She was afraid Jonas could too.

"Wait... What?"

"You heard me." Eldry said, harder now. "Now go and do your duties."

"I- Why are you so angry all of a..." 

But Jonas couldn't finish his sentences. 

"You have to set an example, Jonas, and I know you have more privileges then others, but it's getting late and you should go down to the Great Hall to eat. I wish you luck with your father, and I will give you my apologies for being a little ticked off, but I have heard too much about Birdy, so I would like you to stop thinking about it too, could you do that?" 

"I- I will, then. I am sorry professor, I didn't know..."

"How could you have? However, I am impressed by your devotion, maybe you should think about a career as an auror?"

"Ah, as long as Harry Potter is one, I think the world will be safe." Jonas said, before leaving definitely, and Eldry and Hya were left alone in silence.

"Don't tell anyone." she whispered, as if afraid Jonas was still listening. Then she took a box filled with powder from the bookcase, walked towards the fireplace (which was in her bedroom) and asked Hya if she knew how to travel with Floo Powder.

Daughter of the Moonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें