Lies and Questions

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The centaurs moved closer to the spot where the creature had to have been. There were a few branches which seemed to have been broken off in the tree above. A little stray of moonlight shone through the spot the creature had fallen through.

"It shouldn't have gone far from here. You shot it right in the chest." Faragon, a chestnut colored centaur whispered.

"We don't know what it is, maybe it can heal wounds." the other centaur, Isin, answered.

The centaurs moved closer to the gap in the tree Hya had fallen through. The sky was visible, the moon shining more brightly then the centaurs had ever seen it.

"It's the moon, but what does it mean?" Faragon asked Isin, who shaked his head in unknowledgement.

"Maybe it will show itself again, or it will have learned not to fly close to our forest. Either way, if it comes back, we have to be prepared. We need to know what creatures  are entering. Let's tell Bane."

The centaurs turned and walked away, their hooves echoing long before Hya dared to take a breath.

She had hidden herself away in a tree behind the centaurs. She could have sworn they had looked at her direction, but some light feeling had gone through her body, and now she knew she had been invisible. Again.
The pain was almost suffocating her, but she had to stay focused. How could she ever leave from here without paying attention? She didn't even know where in the forest she was! Panic overwhelmed her, and in a last attempt she ran towards the moonlit spot on the forest ground.

She had done the right thing, for now the pain ebbed away and the blood stopped flowing. The Moon had saved her again. 

Now she only had to get back, get her clothes, and... pretend nothing had happened at all.

But how would she be able to retrieve her clothes without anyone noticing? And, what if someone found it already? 

Hya shivered and took in her surroundings. The trees were thick, but the space between them was enough to drive a car trough. If she was right, she wasn't that far away from Hogwarts. Still, she had to go up if she wanted to know which way to go. She didn't dare to fly, for the centaurs didn't seem like they would give her hospitality when she would show up again. 

The trees were easy to climb into, but it was difficult with her wings still out. She sent them into her back, and had to stifle a scream of surprise when she saw that she was now totally naked, except for her underwear. Great.

The open air welcomed her and she saw that Hogwarts was just a mile away. She climbed down and started her journey. 

Feeling quite vulnerable without clothes, she tried to look for something to wear. Of course, this was a forest, and there was nothing.

It was a whole hour later when she reached the edge of the forest. Hogwarts was hulled in the moonlight and almost all windows were dark. Luckily, it was night.

Her wings appeared again and she felt more secure now. Landing onto the roof where she thought her clothes would be, she heard voices.

"What's this?" a female voice asked.

"It looks like a bunch of robes." another male voice answered. Hya heard footsteps and then someone picking up her clothes.

"It's from a student." the woman sounded surprised, and a little bit afraid.

" You don't think... er... that we have.... er.... one of... those?" the man's voice was panic-stricken.

Hya could almost picture the two teachers looking at the clothes and then each other, thinking about something horrible, thinking about....

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