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It began to rain.

Typically, when Hya was sad or frustrated, it always seemed to storm. When she was happy, however, the sun found it's way to the ground she walked on.

She didn't really think much about it when she was younger, but now she became suspicious that the sky mirrored her mood.

She reached the edge of the forest and found a path. It was dark and looked dangerous, but she didn't care. Hya got the feeling the trees were whispering things, but she convinced herself it was just the wind.

Unconsciously  she navigated herself towards the clearing she had fallen to a full moon away. With a shock she realized tonight it would appear again. 

Hopefully, her bad mood would cover it's bright light.

"We will have to wait." 

Hya was so startled she almost jumped into the tree. She hid behind it, watching the two approaching centaurs with fear. When they would figure out that she had flown over a month ago...

"I don't like it. I can't interpret the stars as good as you, but what I see..." the younger one stated, looking up.

The other centaur nodded gravely and tapped his hooves.  "I saw it too. And yes, I believe that she is the answer."

"The skies are clouded. As if afraid we might discover it's little secret." 

"No, a different force is the cause. I feel... strange magic. Not ancient, but new."

The two centaurs exchanged a look Hya couldn't interpret, and disappeared. 

On her way back she found out why the trees were 'whispering'. A few bowtruckles appeared on the branches, shaking their fist at Hya. She had never seen the little creatures who protected wand-wood trees, but somehow she just... knew. It unnerved her more then the centaurs' little talk.

When she reached the castle it was already dinner time, but she didn't go inside the Great Hall. Instead, she headed for the kitchen, and the house elves were more then pleased to give her a hamburger.

"Do you need anything else, Miss Lane?" Hector, a small house elf with big pointy ears asked. Hya shook her head dismissively. She didn't have a big appetite. 

Reluctantly she climbed the stairs and choose a few secret passageways. She knew them because she had tried to find them all, in case she needed to hide.

Fortunately, she didn't meet any student or professor, but some portraits were whispering until she came by. Of course, Hya thought, they heard all the rumors. She quickened her steps and broke into a run on the seventh floor, where the Fat Lady was singing, drunk. 

"P-Password, Hic! please.." sang the Fat Lady.


"Correct. Hic!" The portrait swung open, and Hya heard a few people inside discussing something. Not wanting to interrupt, she crawled inside but staying out of sight.

"I really don't get it, Nikki. What is wrong with dating someone unusual?" 

It was Nikki's brother, Oliver.

"It is not just someone unusual, and you know that!"

"Just because she's your friend doesn't mean..."

"Just get lost, please!"

Hya didn't really get what was going on, but she didn't want to find out, not really. So she decided to do something really crazy and dangerous.

Daughter of the MoonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora