Chapter 1

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Erin's POV: My name is Erin Greene. I am 14 years old, and my best friend is my sister. I know, that sounds weird right? Well, my best friend's name is Sarina Munoz. She is 13, just a couple months younger than me. Her mother just kicked her out of the house and she had no where to go, so my mother legally adopted her. She wasn't the best in school, so she didn't get a diploma, or attend the graduation ceremony. I graduated with a 4.0 average, but I started off in a bad place. My mother and I and her boyfriend all lived in this one-bedroom apartment (at that time Sarina wasn't living with us), he used to hit me. He came up to my school and slapped me in front of my English class when my teacher left the room. One day it got really bad and her punched me in the face and I was in a coma for 3-5 days.This story went national, and famous stars came to me and showed support. My favorite youtuber Tre' Melvin, gave me all his gear, for free, and we talk on a daily basis. Me and Sarina even mat Mindless Behavior, and Princeton is like my bestie! My mother got away from him and found some one new. His name is Jacob, and he is LOADED! I was bullied from 4-6th grade, and it was bad too, but I was chubby, but now, I'm slim with a 6-pack boo :). I applied to this boarding school in London, because I have friends out there who are going to that same school, and I got in. It's basically a crusie ship with classes. There are no uniforms and it's really cool, and its REALLY expensive, but I'm on a gifted scholarship. My two best friends are Hendrick and Zach, and they're my everything! One of my other close guy friends' name is Tavian and I kinda have a little crush on him. He likes me too. I have long black hair that's down to my thighs. And that's when its' natural. Well I hope you like my story!

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