Chapter Thirty One- " i'm the one trying here "

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It was the first time in Ottawa without Judy, I wasn't feeling well before New years and Rick had been really busy so we hadn't been able to go in and record something in the studio. So first time in Ottawa without Judy, I really hope that Rick didn't ask why she wasn't there.

" so where's Judy? " Rick asked, great.
" well she's-".
" she has to stay home every weekend now since her mom's work hours just got increased and she needs to watch her brother " Chance said.
" oh that sucks that she won't be coming down anymore " Rick sighed.
" yeah it really does " I smiled.
I passed Rick the hard drive with the music on it.
I walked into the booth.
" so this is an original? " Rick asked.
" yes " I smiled.
" ok let's hear it " he smiled.
I started to sing, as we started to take the second take I saw Chance looking at me weird. I completely forgot that I told him there was going to be clapping and strings in the back round.
Once we were done, Rick stayed down stairs to put it all together well Chance and I went upstairs.
" good song " he said.
" thanks " I smiled, shit shit shit.
" where were the claps and stings in the back round? " he asked.
" we decided to not put it in " I nodded.
" by we do you mean you? " he asked.
" I liked the song the way it was " I said.
" so you just cut Judy out of it completely, does she even know you made that song? " He asked.
" well no " I said.
" seriously Beth, you can't just leave her behind " he said.
" i'm not, she's the one leaving me behind, she's the one not talking to me, she's the one not giving any input to the band " I said.
" what do you mean? " He asked.
" everytime I text her I think there will be a little hope, but she just responds with something generac " I said.
" then keep trying " he said.
" Chance I try everyday, I text her everyday, i'm the one trying here, so fuck what she says, fuck she says I haven't tried to be her friend well I have, she's the one not trying " I said.
" she's the one who gave up ".
" you still should have told her " he said.
" yes I should have, but I didn't and we can't do anything about it now can we? ".
" she laid it out flat and clear that she would just make the music, I left her out one time, she's not going to be that mad " I said walking into the bed room closing the door behind me.
A couple minutes went by before Chance came into the room, he sat down beside me without saying anything.
" sorry, it wasn't my right to get mad at you for not including Judy, I didn't know the full story " he said.
" thanks " I smiled.
" you never truly told me what Judy said ".
I took a deep breath, " she said it hurts to see me with someone else and her silence answered all my questions, I never truly knew how much she cared for me till she wasn't there " I said.
" the last time I heard her in a full conversation with me was my birthday " I added.
" but you didn't see her on your birthday " he said.
" I did she gave me a present and I told you it was the mailman " I said.
" what did she give you? " he asked.
" hope " I said.
He looked confused, " hope that there was still a chance of us being friends...., but I guess not " I sighed.
" there's still a chance, you know that right? She's your best friend fight for it, she thinks your not trying, well try harder then " he said.
" you give some pretty good advice " I said.
" but it doesn't work for this situation, she needs to realize that she wants me as her friend again, it her choice to make and i'll just keep doing what i'm doing " I said.
" are you sure you want to do that? " he asked.
" positive " I said.
" ok " he said.
I was glad that I still had Chance as a friend, even though Grace and Sofia were my friends, Chance was the only one that felt like a true friend. One that would never leave my side and always be there for me no matter what.
" how about we go out for dinner, i'm starving " I said.
" sure, I think we both need it " Chance smiled.
" i'll meet you in the car I just need to grab something " I said.
" ok " he said.
I grabbed my phone.

Beth- hey I just wanted to tell you I just recording an original song and made my own beat, I just didn't want you to be caught off guard or make you angry since I didn't tell you
Beth- hope your having a good day, see you monday
Judy- see you on monday

I smiled, she got back to me faster this time.

I walked down and got in the car, we drove to a small dinner place on the corner of the street.
" for two " the young lady smiled.
I nodded and she lead us to a small booth.
" I used to come here for dinner with some of my friends before I moved back " He said.
" do you still keep in touch with them? " I asked.
" yeah some of them, but all of them were kind of weird and clingy " he said.
" yeah...... " I smiled.
" hi I will be your server.... Wait Chance " the girl smiled.
" Mindy... hey.... I didn't know you worked here " Chance looked uncomfortable.
" yeah I just started, what are you doing here? " she asked.
" just hanging out with my uncle " he said.
" this is my friend Bethany " Chance smiled.
" nice to meet you, Mindy " she gave me a creepy stare.
" well, can I get you both something to drink? " she asked.
" I think we're both getting water " I smiled.
" yeah, water " Chance said.
" that will be right over " she smiled at Chance and walked away.
" ok so i've now met Dave and Mindy " I said.
" yeah " he sighed.
" why was she looking at me like I had overstepped a boundary? " I asked.
" weird and clingy she liked me when I was here " he said.
" oh, but you said we were friends " I smiled.
" yeah, still wont stop her " he blinked.
" first my problems now yours " I smiled.
" karma " he said.
" looks like it " I laughed.
" here are you drinks, ready to order? " she asked.
" were both going to get the grilled cheese " Chance smiled.
" great, be right back with that " she smiled.
She walked away, I let out a deep breath, " wow that girl is creepy " I said.
" I know, don't you think I was glad to move back " he said.
" yeah " I nodded.
Before the food arrived Chance went to the washroom.
" here is your food and one more thing " she smiled.
" Chance is mine " she glared.
" ok, umm, Chance and I are friends and I have a boyfriend " I said.
" I saw the way you looked at him, he is mine not yours " she said.
" Mindy right? Calm down you can have him " I said.
" good " she said.
" I mean, you can try he does live 6 hours away from you " I said.
" i'll move " she crossed her arms.
" good luck with that, I bet there are so many other boys wanting to be with you, maybe go to that table over there, looks like there are some cute boys " I smirked and pointed to the table full of older people.
" go and server more tables find some cute boys " I smiled and waved her goodbye right as Chance walked back over.
" what did I miss? " Chance asked.
" oh nothing " I smiled.
" Mindy and I were just chatting " I smiled.
" Beth, what did you do? " He asked.
" nothing trust me " I said.
By the end of the night we hadn't seen Mindy once till she brought the bill.
" here's the bill " she said.
" thanks " I smiled.
She walked away.
" ok what did you do to creepy Mindy? " Chance asked.
" you don't need to know, I solved a problem you're welcome " I smiled.
" huu, you are one of a person Beth " he smiled.
" I know, i'm an outsider who sometimes speaks her mind " I smiled.
" let's just pay and get back to my uncles " he said.
We got back to his uncle's, I was really tired so I just went into my room to get my my pajamas, before I was about to change Chance walked in.
" by the way i'll teach you how to ride the motorcycle in February " he said.
" great " I smiled.
I got into the bed and pulled out my phone.

Bethy- hey sorry I haven't texted you back i've been really busy with music and all
Brendon- it's all good, hope it was fun tho I already listen to the new song it was great
Bethy- thanks, but I should get to bed got to drive home tomorrow
Brendon- ok night love you
Bethy- love you too

I set my phone on the side table turned on the tv and rolled over, todays two problems solved.

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