Chapter Twelve- " you know we can't be friends "

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I got dressed into my work clothes and walked out to the kitchen to see my dad sitting there reading the newspaper.
" morning " I smiled and turned on the ketal and got out my travel mug so I could bring my tea to work.
" morning sweety " my dad placed down the paper.
" are you ready to head to work? " he asked.
" yeah " I smiled and started to make my tea.
We got into his car, he dropped me off a work and told me he would be back at 3.
I went to the back and tied my shoes and went to get orders around the diner.
" i'll be right over with your bill " I smiled.
I came back with the bill when the door opened and Brendon and Chance walked into the diner.
I skated over to them.
" what are you guys doing here? " I asked.
" we came to get some take out " Brendon said.
" I can take your order right over here " I smiled, I went over to the cash register with them following after me.
" just two burgers and two waters " Chance said.
" ok " I said, I put in the order and it started to cook.
" how's your brother doing? " Brendon asked.
" good, still sick thought, i'm just glad i'm not sick " I smiled.
" yeah that's really luckily " Chance said.
" wait " I said quickly grabbing a napkin and pen.
" what? " Brendon asked.
" I just came up with a song name " I smiled.
" what is it? " Brendon asked.
" you'll know it when you hear it " I smirked.
" come on that's not fair " Chance said.
" oh look, your food's ready " I smiled and passed it off to them, they passed me the money.
" enjoy your meal " I smiled.
" we will " Brendon said.
They walked out of the diner, I looked over at the time and my shift was almost up, I went and grabbed the money from some tables and put it in the cash register.
I went to the bag and took of my shoes and put on my running shoes and walked outside to wait for my dad to come and get me.

We got back to the house.
I got changed into my maroon sweatshirt with a shoe lace tie down the front and a pair of jeans.
I walked out to the living room.
" so where are we going? " I asked starting to put my shoes back on.
" I thought we could go out for dinner " he smiled.
" sure " I smiled.

We drove to a small restaurant I had never been to before.
We took our seats at on of the booths and ordered two waters to drink.
" so tell me, what's been going on in school? " he asked.
" well yesterday I presented a project in science class and Judy and I have every class with one another " I smiled.
" that's good " he smiled.
" oh and Chance moved back to town and we have two classes together, he was in my science group and we've been becoming close friends " I smiled.
" I remember when you had a huge crush on him " he said.
" let's never speak of this again " we laughed.
" so what would you like to order? " the lady asked.
Once we ordered our food we went back to talking.
" Cole told me that you and Judy went to Ottawa last weekend, care to tell me why? " he sat back and crossed his arms.
This is the first time my dad has ever wanted to know anything about my life in I don't know how long.
" you can not tell anyone this, only Chance and Brendon know ok " I started.
" ok " he smiled.
" so you know that cover band, Carnival Heart? " I asked.
" yes " he said looking confused.
" well that band is me and Judy, we went to Ottawa to get a record deal with Chance's uncle Rick " I explained.
" really that's amazing " he smiled.
" yeah, i'm the one singing " I smiled.
" i'm so proud of you " he smiled.
" you just can't tell anyone, Judy and I don't want anyone to know it's us " I explained.
" my lips are sealed " he said.
" thanks dad " I smiled.

The food came to the table, and we started to eat.
" are you going to help out with the halloween carnival again? " my dad asked.
" I think so yeah " I smiled.
" well that's good since I know you really like doing that kinda stuff " he said.
" Judy and I will probably help the decorating again " I said taking a bit of my food.
" I assumed you would do that " he smiled.
I was glad to be out with my dad, I can't remember the last time we hung out together, just us. It feels like it could have been maybe two years ago that I truly went out for a dinner just with my dad. It felt nice to be out doing this. Especially with my dad.
We got in the car.
" could you actually drop me off at the park? I'll walk the rest of the way home " I said.
" are you sure? " he asked.
" yeah " I smiled.
I got out of the car at my elementary school, I walked over to the slide and laid down on the end of it.
I took a deep breath.
" hey " I turned my head to see Justin standing there.
" hey " I smiled, he walked over and sat down beside me.
" why are you here? " he asked.
" why are you here? " I asked.
" I live right across the street and saw you come over, now why are you here? " he asked.
" I don't really know, I just wanted to come " I said.
" this reminds me of old time's when we were friends " he said.
" is that why you came over, to try and be my friend again? " I asked.
" yes it is why " he said.
" Justin " I sat up and turned to fully face him.
" you know we can't be friends " I said.
" why not, just because of what happened with me and you " he said.
" don't remind me " I said.
" you can't keep hiding from the truth Bethany! It happened we can't change that! " he yelled.
" I don't care because right after it happened you left and stopped talking to me, so no, Justin, we can't be friends " I said.
" we were 13/ 14 and I was scared besides both of us have moved on " he said.
I stood up, " yes we both like new people, you have a girlfriend, but I don't want drama so we can have friendly talks, but no Justin, we can not be friends " I said walking away.
I walked in the door and went right to my room, I closed the door and sat down on my bed. One single tear ran down my face.
Grade 8 christmas break, I was hanging out with Justin and Judy when Judy got up and left to get something for her mom.
All of a sudden Justin kissed me, the next day he didn't talk to me, if we saw each other he would leave, the only time I ever saw him at my house was if he was hanging out with my brother.
Judy is the only one who knows the truth to why we stopped being friends, or should I say why Justin stopped being friends with me.
I don't want to be his friend again since I don't want history to repeat, and I know that will only happen if were friends again.
I've moved on, I like Brendon and I don't care about Justin and him wanting to be my friend.

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