Chapter Seven- " it's not flirting "

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    I was the first one up, I decided to order us room service since I knew both of us would be hungry.
Judy got up right before the food got to the room.
" you didn't have to get the food for us, but thank you " Judy smiled.
" I knew you would be hungry when you work up and I was already hungry so why not " I smiled.
" I guess you're right " she smiled.
We got dressed, I was wearing a white short sleeve shirt some jeans and hightop running shoes. We headed down stairs to go to the record building, when we walked out of the hotel there was a car waiting for us.
" this is so cool " Judy squicked as we got out of the car and went into the building.
As we walked into the building I saw a motorcycle parked outside.
" hey doesn't that looked familiar? " I asked.
" no " Judy said.
" weird " I sighed as we opened the doors and walked inside.
" you two must be Judy and Bethany, if you will just follow me this way " a nice lady smiled as we followed her down the hallway.
" if you will just wait in here" she smiled as we walked into the room.
" Chance? " I said as I realized he was sitting on a couch playing the guitar.
" what are you both doing here? " he asked.
" good you girls are here, this is my nephew Chance " Rick walked out from the door.
" we know each other, we go to school together " Chance said.
" well isn't that great, you three can talk for a minute well I go grab some papers " Rick walked out of the room.
" so why are you here? " Chance asked.
" well, we are the people that made the cover song " I smiled.
" wait that was you, which one of you is singing and who made the music? " he asked.
" I did the music and Beth here sang with her lovely voice " Judy smiled.
" wow, it's become a real, big hit " he smiled.
" well you could have told us your uncle was a record producer " I said.
" It just didn't come up " Chance smiled.
" well it should have " Judy laughed.
Rick walked back into the room, " ok we just need to get some paperwork done then we can discuss making a youtube account or just coming up with a name and creating an instagram and all of that ok " Rick smiled.
" ok " Judy and I said at the same time.

We finished signing all the papers.
" ok what is going to be your name? " Rick asked.
" oh you should do, Beth and Judy " Chance said.
" we don't really want anyone to know it's us " I smiled.
" then I have no ideas " Chance said.
" what about Carnival Heart " I said looking over at Judy.
" I really like that, yeah " Judy smiled.
" ok perfect, but I need to know why? " Rick said.
" we go to ever carnival our town holds and we have it in our hearts to go " I smiled.
" makes sense, I like it now it's time to make some new accounts for it " Rick smiled.
We finally got all the accounts set up so people could start to follow it, I was so excited for everything that was going to come.
" ok so every other weekend just come down with Chance and we can record covers real songs, everything like that " Rick said.
" i'll just be in the back you three can hangout " Rick walked out of the room leaving us three there.
" there's this really cool place just a couple miles from here and it has really good food, maybe we could go? " Chance asked.
" I don't know " Judy said.
" come on it would be fun, i'm in " I smiled.
" ok fine " Judy sighed.
" great, I can hop by and pick you guys up " he said.
" sounds good " I smiled.

We got back to the hotel and sat down on our beds.
" are you sure about going out with Chance? " Judy asked.
" were just friends all three of us and let's not think about the dinner right now, let's think about how we have a record deal " I smiled.
" it is pretty cool " she smiled.
" Pretty cool? It's amazing! " I jumped up from the bed.
" we get to make music Judy, you get to make all the beats and maybe sing lead if you want, I don't really care, but this is such a big deal, for once were in the spotlight even if people don't know it's us " I smiled.
" your right, this is going to be a wild ride, but we should probably get ready for the dinner " she smiled.
" your probably right " I smiled.
Judy never wore much makeup, but tonight she walked out of the bathroom wearing eyeshadow and mascara.
" you look amazing " I smiled.
" you think so " she smiled.
" yeah, are you maybe trying to impress Chance " I teased.
" ew no, it's Chance I would never like him " she said.
" you've never liked anyone in your entire life, and I don't know how that's possible " I said.
" i've liked one person, but that was a long time ago I don't remember their name " she said.
" it really sounds like you just lied there, so maybe you do remember their name and you can tell me " I smiled.
" never going to happen " she smiled.
" ok fine, but I will find out " I said.
" now it's my turn to use the bathroom " I said before getting up and walking into the bathroom.
I didn't change my outfit since I was comfortable in it, but I did put on some makeup to brighten my face.

Chance came and picked us up, we got to the place and got out of the car.
" you left out the part where we were going to a bar " Judy said.
" just come on, they have really good food " Chance smiled.
We got a table for three and sat down.
" hi I will be your waiter is there anything you want to drink " I nice lady asked.
" I think we're all getting water " I said.
" yeah " Judy smiled.
" I will be right back with your three waters " she smiled before walking away.
" this is a pretty fancy bar " I said.
" I know, when I lived here I would come here almost every night " Chance said.
" did you even dance on the dance floor? " Judy asked.
" always, when me and my friends were done dinner we would always dance, maybe we should go dance after " Chance suggested.
" maybe " I smiled.
" here are your drinks and are you ready to order? " she asked.
" yeah, I think so " Chance smiled.
We ordered our food and talked for a little longer before the food arrived.
We ate the food in silents saying a few sentence here and there, it was nice to be out for dinner, I don't get to go out for dinner much unless it's a special occasion and that doesn't happen often either since my parents are always working and it would just be weird to go to dinner with only  my brother.
We finished our food.
" this bill will be right over, just pay when ever you want and feel to have a dance on the dance floor " she smiled.
" thanks " Chance smiled.
" so want to hit the dance floor? " Chance asked.
" sure, Judy are you coming? " I asked.
" i'm going to let my food sit for a little, but you two go " she smiled.
" ok " I smiled.
We walked onto the dance floor.
" just so you know, I can not dance " Chance said.
" don't worry, I just jump up and down " I smiled.
" I still can't believe that you sang in that cover, I remember you never talking in class " Chance said.
" well a lot has changed, but i'm still the weird outsider me who is very awkward " I said.
" your not that awkward " he smiled.
" you've only been back for a week so you know nothing " I said.
" ya never know " he said.
" ya never know " I said, I looked over to see Judy sitting at the table on her phone.
" i'll be right back " I said.
I walked over to Judy.
" hey why aren't you coming over? " I asked.
" you and Chance just look like your having fun alone and I didn't want to interrupt " she said.
" Judy were not on a date, and we would have even more fun if you just came over " I said.
" I just don't want to " she said.
" why not? " I asked.
" because you too are having fun and I don't want to interrupt that " she said.
" but you won't and I really want you over there and you know I don't like Chance that way, so please just come over and have some fun " I smiled.
" for me please " I smiled.
" fine, but no flirting " she said.
" it's not flirting, it's a friendly conversation " I smiled as we joined Chance back on the dance floor.
" Welcome to the dance floor " Chance smiled at Judy.
" why thank you " she laughed.
" told you that you would have fun " I whispered in her ear.
We danced for a whole hour before getting dropped off at the hotel.
" so what time are we leaving tomorrow? " Judy asked.
" maybe 1 so we don't get home to late " I said.
" sounds good, i'm just so tired from all that dancing " she sighed.
" same, but it was lots of fun please tell me you had fun " I smiled as we sat down on our beds.
" yes I had fun, thanks for pulling me over to dance " she smiled.
" what are friends for " I smiled.
" i'm going to change then get to bed " Judy smiled before leaving the room.
As she left the room I layed back in the bed, that was a really fun night, I can't believe how fast it went by. Chance was really fun to have around I just knew that he would stay one of my good friends, I could just sense it.

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