Chapter Eighteen- " let me think.... "

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It was only a couple days till the halloween carnival, the pictures of my back have finally calmed down and people still don't know it's me.
We haven't gone back to the recording studio in a while, we recorded one halloween cover a long time ago, but we're still waiting to put that one out. The original song, One Day, is still a big hit, i'm still surprised it's been such a hit.
I was in the gym getting some of the final touches done on the haunted house, Judy was away today since she wasn't feeling good. Her little brother came home with a cold last week and now she has one small cough that isn't that bad, but her mom still makes her stay home because they're worried she will get other people sick. It's flu season people are going to get sick.
I kneeled down to look in one of the boxes when the bell rang of second period, I was getting the final touches done in the witch room. I grabbed the bright green moss from one of the boxes and started to put it up on the wall, on the ground around the cauldron and by the motion sensor so no one could see it.
I walked back over to the boxes and started to look for the green lights.
" they have to be here somewhere " I said.
" hey " I turned around to see Brendon.
" what are you doing here? " I asked.
" aren't you supposed to be in class? ".
" I was asked to bring you these " he said passing me the lights.
" I was just looking for these thank you " I said.
" no problem and the whole thing is coming together really well " he said looking around.
" thanks, it we be done faster, but with Judy being sick " I sighed and walked over to the corner of the room and started to put of the light.
" actually I came here for another reason too " he said.
" yeah " I said still facing the wall.
" I was wondering if you wanted to go to the carnival with me? " he asked.
I smiled to myself, was this really happening or was this a dream.
I turned around, " what? " I asked.
" do you want to go to the carnival with me? " he asked again.
" you would really want to go to the carnival with an outsider? " I asked.
" yes I would " he said.
" let me think...... sure i'll come " I smiled trying to keep my cool.
" great " he smiled.
" but you'll have to find me " I said.
" what? " he asked looking confused.
" I will be somewhere in the carnival hangout with Judy, you will have to find me, then for the rest of the night we can hang out " I smiled.
" ok, but at least tell me what your dressing up as " he smiled.
" i'll give you a hint, tea time " I said turning around.
" what? That doesn't help me " he said.
" see you there " I smiled.
I turned back around to see if he was gone, Brendon Rezay just asked me out!
I jumped up and down, I calmed down and turned back around running into the cauldron making me jump.
" jesus " I said holding my hand to my heart.
" well I know it works " I said.
I walked carefully around it and went back to the light to finish putting it up.

At the end of the day I walked over to my locker when Chance walked up.
" hey " he smiled.
" hey " I smiled opening my locker.
Over the past month Chance and I have become really good friends, we talk to each other everyday, we walk home together the day's he doesn't ride his motorcycle, but it's really nice to have him as a friend.
" how was today? And the haunted house? " he asked.
" great " I smiled.
" something's off with you " he said.
" no i'm fine " I smiled again.
" you keep smiling " he said.
" and? " I asked.
" hey you two " Grace smiled.
" Grace... " I said not emotion in my voice what so ever.
" didn't see you today in any classes, still working on the carnival? " she asked.
" yes I am " I smiled.
" is the haunted house really going to be that scary? " she asked.
" you'll be so scared that you'll want to break up with Cole " I smirked.
" you little- ".
" ok, we have to go " Chance butted in.
" thanks " I sighed.

He pulled me out of the school.
" well that rewanded my good day " I sighed.
" why was it so good? " he asked.
" well, you see " I started.
" when I was working on the haunted house, Brendon came by and asked me to go to the carnival with him " I smiled.
" i'm assuming you said yes " he said.
" of course I did, but I did say that he would have to find me " I said.
" why? " he asked.
" the carnival has always been me and Judy's thing so till he finds me, i'll hangout with her, I just hope she doesn't get mad " I said.
" if she's your best friend she'll want the best for you, and she wont be mad " he said.
" I guess you're right " I smiled.
We walked down to the park, we sat down on the bench.
We sat in silence.
" never in my life, would I have though Brendon liked me " I said.
" why not? " he asked.
" i'm to weird, I don't fit in, i'm an outsider " I said.
" no your not, there the ones who don't fit in, you fit in just fine " he said.
" what do you mean? " I asked.
" their the ones that everyone looks at and watches, their the ones who everyone knows and talks about, their the ones who don't fit in " he said.
" Brendon, chose right, he chose the right outsider " he smiled.
I looked away and smiled, I guess he's right, I do fit in there the ones who stand out. I guess i'm an outsider to Brendon and he's an outsider to me.

I went home, Justin and Brendon were over, they were sitting on the couch with Cole.
" hey you're home late " Cole said.
" yeah I was just at the park " I said.
" ok " Cole said.
I made eye contact with Brendon, that's when it hit me, i'm going on a date, kinda, with Brendon Rezay, he asked me out, wow.
I walked down the hallway and went into my room, I sat down at my desk and opened my computer. I started to work on my english project even though I wasn't in the class learning I was still getting all the assignment since I still wanted to get good grades in at least every class.
I started to type when my bedroom door opened, I spun around in my chair when Cole walked in closed the door then sat on my bed.
" may I help you? " I asked.
" so anything exciting happen today? " he asked.
" no " I lied.
" nothing happened when you were working? " he asked.
" no " I lied again.
" no one asked you out.... " he said.
" no not that I can recall " I smirked.
" hm " he said.
" fine Brendon asked me out, but how did you know, it's not like he would tell you " I said.
" he came to me yesterday and asked me if it was ok to ask you out, he wanted to make sure I was ok with it first. Then I said yes it was fine without telling him that you liked him " he said.
" you did that for me " I smiled.
" of course I did, Brendon is a good guy, I wouldn't have said yes if he wasn't " he smiled.
" thank you " I smiled.
" don't worry about it, just get some rest, we have school tomorrow " he said.
" yes mom " I rolled my eyes.
" I didn't know I was a girl, my whole life has been a lie " he smiled.
" oh no, you better go tell mom and dad " I smiled.
We both burst out laughing.
" but for real, get some rest " he said leaving my room.
" on it " I whispered as he left.
I closed my computer and got into my pajamas, I got under my blankets and turned on my tv, I started to watch it, but my eyes started to close and I could feel my heartbeat slow down, my breath steady and my body become calm.

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