Chapter One- " are you new to the town? "

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It was the last day of summer, the sun shone in my eyes threw the side mirror of the car, I pulled into the driveway of my best friend Judy's house. I got out of the car, the hot air brushed my skin.
I walked up to the front door as her little brother came running out the door, with her mom running after him.
" go on in Bethany, Judy's just in her room " her mom smiled.
" thanks " I smiled and walked inside.
I took of my white high top running shoes making me two inches shorter than I just was.
I walked up the stairs and into her room, she was sitting at her desk with her headphones on bobbing her head up and down.
I tiptoed over to her, I pulled off her head phones and yelled boo making her jump.
" hi " I smiled sitting down on her bed, she spin around in her chair to face me.
" hey " she smiled setting her headphones on the desk.
" were you making a new beat? " I asked.
" yeah, this one needs a singer for it " she smiled leaning closer to me.
" I already told you I don't want to sing for all your youtube subscribes to hear " I said.
" they wouldn't have to know it's you, they don't even know it's me " she smiled.
" can I just hear the beat? " I asked.
" fine, but only if you sing " she raised her eyebrows.
" i'll think about it " I said.
" yes " she turned back around and passed me the head phones.
The beat was slow but, then sped up.
" how are you so good a making beats! " I said.
She mouths something out, " what! ", she leaned over and took off the headphones.
" your yelling " she smiled.
" oh " we laughed.
She turned back around to close her computer.
" so are we going to the carnival? " she asked.
" I don't know " I sighed.
" you say that every year and then we go and you end up having the time of your life, so what do you say " she sat there waiting for me to answer.
" fine, but tomorrow is the first day of school and I need my sleep " I said.
" stop being picky and just have fun " she smiled and pulled me down the stairs.
We hopped into my car and drove to the carnival that they have every year right before school starts up again.
We got out of the car, I stopped when I saw Brendon Rezay standing by the entrance way.
" Beth come on stop daydreaming and just talk to him " Judy said.
" whenever I try it's just word vomit " I said.
" and his friends suck " I added.
" what about Justin and your brother? " she asked.
" can we just go get the bracelets so we can get free rides and games? " I asked.
" yeah " she smiled.
We walked past Brendon and his jackass friends, I was surprised when I didn't see my brother with them and luckily Grace and Sofia weren't there.
We walked over to the ticket booth and brought two bracelets.
" where to go first " Judy looked around.
" how about a game " I smiled.
" just what I was thinking " she smiled and walked over to the first game she saw.
" hi there ladys how many games? " the sweet old lady asked.
" just one for the both of us " I answered.
" ok how this game works is you throw the basketball into the basket and see how many points you can get in a minute " she smiled.
" got it " Judy smiled and we both started to throw basketballs at the basket.
Once the game was over the lady passes us both a small blue and purple elephant.
" ok I have to go to the bathroom, but you play this game and i'll be right back " Judy walked into the crowd of people, I turned around and walked over to the balloon dart game.
The man gave me ten darts to throw at the balloons.
I was at my second last throw, I threw the dart making the balloon pop.
" nice throw " someone said behind me, I turned around to see a boy my age standing with his hands in his jean pockets. He has blonde hair and was super tall.
" thanks " I smiled and turned back around.
I finished up the game and turned back around to the guy.
" are you new to the town? i've never seen you around here before " I asked.
" yeah my family and I just moved back here a week ago " he smiled.
" cool " I smiled.
" your really good at this game " he smiled.
" it's a talent " I laughed.
Judy walked up to us and just looked at the guy for a second.
" come on ferris wheel time " she smiled and grabbing my hand pulling me away from the guy.
" oh ok " I said as she pulled me.
We got onto the ferris wheel, " are you ok? " I asked.
" did you not recognize who that was? " she asked.
" no, was I supposed to? " I asked.
" that was Chance " she said.
" grade 7 Chance the one that moved away in grade 8? " I asked.
" that's the one " she said.
" woah, he's changed, I didn't even recognize him " I said.
" i'm surprised that I did, I wasn't the one who studied his face every second " she sighed.
In grade 7 I had a huge crush on Chance, but then he moved away and I started to like his best friend Brendon and I guess those feelings for Brendon are still there.
" never talk about that again " I said.
" do you think he's going to the same high school? " she asked.
" probably that's where all his old friends go, but can we stop talking about him, he's changed a lot and yes he's cuter, but I don't like him anymore " I said.
" ok, we can stop taking, but you better tell me if those feelings come back " she smiled.
" they won't come back don't worry " I said.
We got off the ferris wheel and walked out of the main area, we walked over to the food area and got two blue slushies before going back to my car.
We sat in the car listening to music for a little bit.
" wait so what song are you going to put over the music you made? " I asked.
" the song cotton candy by Jessie Reyez " she smiled.
" do you think Brendon's related to her? " I asked.
" no I don't, but back to the song are you going to sing it? " she asked leaning closer to me.
" I don't know " I said.
" come on you have such a good singing voice and it would be perfect on the track " she said.
" like I said earlier i'll think about it " I smiled.
" fine " she sighed.
" what time is it? " she asked.
" 8 " I said.
" my mom will probably want me home by 8:30 because I have to watch my brother " she sighed.
" ok, have fun with that " we laughed as I started to drive down the road back to her house.

We pulled up to her house, " see you in the morning Cole and I will pick you up " I smiled as she waved goodbye.
I pulled out of the driveway and started to drive home, I turned on the song that Judy told me about, I started to hum to the beat. I have to admit it is a good song.
I got into my house, my parents were out tonight working on business problems.
I walked into my house, took off my shoes and sat down on the couch, my brother wasn't home, I bet he was out with Grace.
I turned on the tv, I went to the movie network to just see what was on.
Once I started to get into the movie car light is flashed threw the window and my brother walked into the house.
" your home early, weren't you with Judy? " Cole asked.
" yeah, but she had to watch her brother and school starts tomorrow so " I shrugged.
" oh yeah school " he sighed and walked into the kitchen.
I got up and walked down the hallway to my bedroom, I pulled out my pajamas and changed into them, I placed my hair up in a bun and put on my slippers.
It was now 9:30, I walked down the hallway and went into the bathroom, I started to brush my teeth when Cole came and leaned up against the doorway.
" so you went to the carnival, did you run into anyone? " he asked.
" your going to have to be more specific Cole " I said not making eye contact.
" Chance, did you run into him? " he asked.
" yes, but I didn't recognize him, he's really changed " I said spitting out my tooth paste.
" yeah it's kinda crazy, he's hotter right " Cold smirked, I turned to fully face him.
" Cole, Chance has changed I can tell that by the way he looks now, he's not the nerdy kid I liked in grade 7, he's grown up, and i'm not going to like him again trust me, now goodnight " I said brushing past him.
" see you in the morning " he called out to me, I could tell he was smirking.
I sat down on my bed and turned on my tv. I went to netflix and put on a show to fall asleep like I always do.
I got all comfy under my blankets, I rolled over, I set my alarm for 6:30 and closed my eyes, school was going to be different this year and I knew it.

Carnival HeartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora