Y/N and Peter's faces soften, but go into instant panic. Out of all the secrets they have kept from there guardians, this one is not to be revealed.

"He-he spilled coffee on me," Y/N spits out.

"At Mr. Delmar's sandwich shop," Peter continues.

"Which he apologized for."

"So I bought her a new s-shirt to make up for it."

"And we have kept in touch since then." Y/N finishes. She turns her head towards Peter, giving him a 'what the hell was that' look. But he just shrugs his shoulders, and Y/N turns back to face May and her mother.

"Well okay than, you two go run off, but no funny business," May warns, making Peter want to curl up into a ball and die.

"Aunt May," Peter whines, trying to cover up his red tinted face. Y/N follows Peter into his room, not wanting anymore unwanted attention from the women out there. He slams the door shut and stares at Y/N with his arms crossed.

"So . . ." Y/N says, breaking the silence between them, "who would've thought that my mom's, best friend's, nephew is Spider-Man?"

"Who would've thought that my aunt's, best friend's daughter is Lady Speedster?" Peter replies back, making Y/N already upset with him.

"I told you my name is Bolt, Spider-Boy." Y/N remarks, knowing just how to make Peter upset.

Peter rolls his eyes and walks over to his desk chair to sit in. He lets out a long, loud sigh before saying something. "You know how much danger we are in now that our guardians know each other?"

Y/N nods her head. She sits on the end of Peter's bed and leans back on the wall. "It is bad enough hag we know each other as superheroes, but now our normal life is crossing over into our dangerous one. If my life can't get any worse," Y/N says, bringing her feet up on the bed so they sat underneath her.

A small smile creeps up on Peter's face, while Y/N just stares at him like he's gone crazy or something. "You're wearing the shoes I created for you," he points out.

Y/N nods her head and smiles at the grinning boy. "Well they are the only things that keep me from running to California in half a second."

Peter laughs, "that was a fun day."

"Not for me!" Y/N shouts at Peter, who is still laughing. "I was so confused that day, but I did meet Johnny Depp that day."

"And you bought me a LA hat, well stole I should say." Peter says, raising an eyebrow in Y/N's direction.

"Okay, okay, I paid them like a week later, don't turn me in, Spider-Man!" Y/N said putting her hands up in defeat. "Besides, I didn't realize I took it by the time I was in Iowa with it on my head."

Peter laughs again and walks over to his closet. He pulls out the LA hat that Y/N "stole" and throws it at her.

"The two of us making memories since . . . how long have we known each other for?" Peter asks, sitting back on the desk chair.

"1962?" Y/N asks, staring down at Peter's blue sweatshirt he's wearing.

"Um, Y/N, we were not born in 1962," Peter reminds the girl sitting in front of him.

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