Chapter 67- Dorm Mother

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Six Years Later...

Loud squeals and the pattering of tiny feet filled the room as a little girl bolted away from an exhausted and incredibly annoyed Mirei. With her wild black hair and round eyes, the little girl continued to sprint down the stairs, as fast as her short legs could carry her.

"Yah!" Mirei shouted, "Come back here!"

"No! No! No!" The little girl screamed, her long black hair, streaming behind her as she galloped down the stairs and made her way to the living room, where Kyungsoo was busy blowing up some balloons.

"Yah! Do Reimi!" Mirei shouted after the little girl, as she jumped down the stairs, two at a time. "Come back here! We still need to do your hair!"

Little Reimi ran as fast as she could, squealing all the way, and seeing Kyungsoo, quickly hid behind his legs as Mirei came rushing after her.

Kyungsoo looked up from what he was doing and glanced at his wife and then down at his daughter, who was using him as a barrier. "What's going on?" he asked quizzically.

"Appa won't leave me alone, umma" Reimi squeaked, as she clung onto Kyungsoo's trousers.

Mirei sighed. "Reimi, how many times do I have to tell you? I'm not your 'appa'. I'm your 'umma'."

Reimi shook her head energetically. "Nah-uh!" she replied cheekily.

Kyungsoo, seeing Mirei stressed, bent down and picked Reimi up in his arms. "Why are you calling me 'umma', Reimi-ah?"

Reimi smiled at Kyungsoo to reveal a full set of white teeth. "Because umma always sings me lullabies and cooks really yummy food. And appa" she said, pointing at Mirei, "Always goes to fight and smells like sweaty men." She pulled a face to express her disgust.

Mirei frowned. "Reimi, not all ummas cook and sing lullabies" she explained. "I'm a cool umma that coaches the South Korean judo team-- now, how many ummas do you know can say that?"

"None" Reimi replied. "Which is why you're an 'appa'!" she giggled.

Mirei rolled her eyes in defeat.

"Uncle Chanyeollie said that all ummas can cook well and those that can't, are macho women like Auntie Yoora and appa!"

"Uncle Chanyeol said that, did he?" Mirei grumbled.

Kyungsoo tried to calm Mirei down, "Now, now, Mirei, Chanyeol-ah was just joking." He turned to his daughter whose long hair was still unbrushed. "Reimi-ah, why don't you let umma do your hair for you? Appa still needs to finish decorating the living room before your uncles come to visit."

"Nooo, umma!" she whined. "I don't want appa to do it. She always pinches my cheeks!"

Kyungsoo arched his brow at Mirei who was trying to mask her guilt by looking away. When Mirei finally met eyes with him, she sighed. "Fine. I won't do it anymore."

Kyungsoo set Reimi down on the floor and Mirei quickly grabbed hold of her face and pinched her soft cheeks together so that she was making an octopus face. She cooed, "Oh my baby girl, you're sooo cute!"

"Appa!" Reimi protested.

"Mirei" Kyungsoo said her name in an unimpressed tone.

"What?" she replied innocently. "I can't help it. It's your fault, Kyungsoo. You promised me you'd let me pinch your kid's cheeks!"

Kyungsoo gave her a small smile. "Yeah, but she's your daughter too."

"Which is why she's so adorable!" Mirei smothered Reimi with kisses and she shrieked with delight. "C'mon Reimi, let's get you ready for your party."

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