Chapter 47- You're Unfair

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I nibbled on my toasted bread quietly while everyone else spoke. We were having breakfast although, it felt like an interview more than anything. The EXO members were taking it in turns to ask, Lay, the member that returned from China, questions about his time in his native country. Judging by the excited eyes and keen stares, Lay was someone they hadn't seen, or spoken to, in a very long time.

"We saw your latest song, 'Lose Control'" Baekhyun piped. "It was really well composed."

"Did they really let you arrange everything?" Sehun asked him.

Lay nodded. He had just taken a shower so his jet-black hair was combed back to reveal his fair forehead. Overall, his skin was milky and smooth which brought out the intensity in his dark eyes. Like Sehun, he had a pointy chin which made him look mature especially when his hair was combed back. He saw me gaping at him and he turned to give me a quick smile. Flustered, I looked away immediately.

"I'm proud of you, Lay," Xiumin told him warmly. "I'm happy they're finally letting you do your own thing."

Lay smiled back at him and I noticed that he had dimples. "Thanks, hyung" he beamed but then he sighed sadly and his dimples disappeared. "If only SM let the others do their own thing too then, maybe they wouldn't have left..."

Suddenly, the atmosphere around the dining table dampened as the EXO members looked down at their plates. The 'others' Lay was most likely referring to were the other Chinese members that left EXO. I peered at the members and saw that they were all contemplating on what Lay had said.

"We can't turn back time," Suho said finally. "But, we can enjoy what we have achieved now."

"That's true" Chen agreed, "so congrats, Lay-hyung, on your first mini album!"

The EXO members started clapping so I joined in too. Lay's dimples returned as he smiled at the rest of us bashfully. Once everyone was done with applauding Lay, his eyes met with mine. "So" he began, "You're our dorm mother."

I smiled at him amiably. "Yeah. I guess it's finally nice to meet the elusive ninth member" I joked. 

He cocked his head and replied, "I don't think we got off on the right foot earlier." He scratched his head. "I'm sorry for surprising you. I was too tired to think last night so I'd completely forgotten that you were staying in the dorm."

"You don't have to apologise! It was my fault too--"

"No. It was definitely all mine. I should have been more wary--"

"But, you were right about what you were saying earlier. I shouldn't have been in your room in the first place--"

"Ah. But I should have let the others know I was coming back. So ultimately, it was my fault--"

"It was both your faults!" Baekhyun snapped. His sudden outburst surprised both of us. "What is this? A battle of politeness?"

Sehun chortled. "Lay-hyung can't help it. He's a natural softie."

"And Nami-ah's stubborn too" D.O added. I gave him a questioning look and he explained. "Even back at the retreat, you insisted on sleeping on the floor even though I offered the sofa to you. It was only when Chanyeol--" D.O stopped abruptly at the mention of Chanyeol's name.

The rest of the members started to look around as they noticed that Chanyeol was nowhere to be found. I looked around too. Where was he? As if Lay had read my mind, he voiced out that same question.

"He left for China this morning" Baekhyun replied.

"What?!" Lay exclaimed, clearly astonished. "He left for China? Just when I came back?"

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