Chapter 39- Save Me

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The floor seemed to sway underneath my feet as I staggered across the interior of the warehouse. The sound of my ragged breath bounced off the walls as I continued to move urgently, fearfully like my life depended on it. I had taken off my platform heels and abandoned them, leaving my feet sore and bleeding from having trodden on broken glass and sharp rocks.

"Where are you... Nami-ssi...?" Ryuk's gruff voice resonated around the deserted warehouse as he approached the vicinity. He said it in sing-song, making every fibre of my body jerk up as a ripple of fear overcame me.

My eyes darted around the room that I was in.

I had constantly been moving around in the warehouse to avoid being detected but, I was tired now and, I didn't know how long I could keep hiding before I had to confront Ryuk again. With my hands outstretched in front of me, I felt my way around the abandoned machinery and dusty cardboard boxes. Cracks from the roof dimly illuminated where I was, forcing me to squint as my eyes adjusted to the darkness.

How long have I been here?

It felt like I was trapped in a never-ending nightmare, constantly running away from Ryuk, in this labyrinth of a warehouse.

I want to go home...

I hastily wiped away the tears that were forming in the corners of my eyes, ordering myself to calm down and stay quiet. Hopelessness and the fear of not being rescued threatened to overwhelm me as I felt the dusty floor for any sort of wieldable weapon that I could use against Ryuk.

Eventually, I found a thin metal rod that was lightweight and the right length. The pole was encrusted in crumbly dirt and it felt cold against my clammy hands. I trembled as I held it in front of me and waited. Despite my attempts at being silent, I couldn't hear anything. The erratic beating of my heart filled my ears as I tried my best to strain them for any sign of Ryuk approaching.

With bated breath, I stood still.


I clamped my hand over my mouth as I heard Ryuk's creepy voice echo from the other side. He was nearby. I held my breath as I heard footsteps approaching. I didn't dare to breathe just in case I was too loud.

One step. Two steps.


I swallowed. My throat was so dry from running around earlier and my hands wouldn't stop shaking. Chanyeol... Chanyeol... Chanyeol... I kept chanting in my mind. Please... please come quickly...

Three steps. Four steps.

Ryuk was coming closer.

Chanyeol... Chanyeol... please... save me...

"Hello, my goddess."

I screamed in fear as Ryuk's face, half-concealed by the darkness, appeared next to mine.

His mouth was distorted into a blood-curdling smile, his slanted eyes upturned and wild with malicious intent. Ryuk lunged at me, grabbing my thin wrists as I stumbled backwards into the dusty machinery, dropping the rod in my hand.

"No! Let go of me!" I cried as I struggled to wriggle free. "Let me go!"

"Stop struggling, my goddess" he kept saying as he seized my wrists and violently dragged me towards him as he lifted me from the ground. I flailed my legs in protest as I continued to scream from the top of my lungs. My throat felt raw as I gasped for breath, while Ryuk's thick arms constricted my waist, crushing my ribs and my airway. He floundered backwards, dragging me along with him, my feet still not touching the floor.

I squirmed defiantly, fighting his tight grip on me by clawing my nails at his broad arms. Ryuk responded by slamming me down on the floor, stunning me breathless as an abrupt pain shot up my spine. Seeing me dazed, Ryuk took the opportunity to climb on top of me, pinning me down with his weight as he rested his bottom half on my stomach.

With his beefy hands, he clutched my wrists once more as he leaned over me, a shameless simper evident on his lips. "I have you now, my goddess" he whispered in my ear, making me tremble as his warm breath violated my skin. "I'll treat you well..." he continued to murmur, "just subject yourself willingly to me..."

"No!" I screamed at him, "Let me go! Let me go, Ryuk!" I kept screaming while struggling to break free.

Ryuk, displeased by my resistance, brushed his chapped lips down my neck in a flurry of kisses. I shuddered at his touch, tears clouding my vision as my eyes darted wildly around my surroundings, searching for any sign of help, salvation or escape. "Let me go..." I whimpered, I was growing weak from the endless struggling. "Please... let me go..."

Ryuk proceeded to defile me with his unwanted kisses. He shifted his hold on my wrists by clasping both of them down with one hand while he used the other to rip the front of my dress. I cried out as he violently tugged on the material, causing it to tear, revealing my bra underneath. Ryuk traced his stubby fingers across the lacey patterns on my bra while I continued to whimper in fear and beg him to stop.

The room continued to spin as I stayed pinned to the ground by Ryuk. I was starting to see stars and my vision was losing focus as I grew weaker with fatigue. Ryuk continued to touch me in places I didn't want him to but as much as I wanted to cry out and continue to struggle free, I couldn't anymore. I was exhausted. Even my fear wasn't enough to drive me.

I sobbed hopelessly. Chanyeol... Chanyeol... Chanyeol... please... save me...

And with what little energy I had left, I tilted my head towards the entrance, desperate for rescue to come, desperate for anyone to come and save me.

Suddenly, the doors burst open, allowing passage for moonlight to pour into the warehouse. The thundering of footsteps unsettled the dust on the floor as two people came rushing inside.

What happened next was like snapshots from a Polaroid camera.


The taller one knocked Ryuk from on top of me.


The shorter one approached me, his voice was muted but, I saw his mouth moving.


The taller one continued to punch Ryuk, his fists flying into the air.


The shorter one cradled me in his arms. His heart-shaped lips moved as he tried to tell me something.


"You're safe now..." I heard him say.



Author's Note:

If you ended up reading this chapter, thank you for reading it.

Some of you might be wondering why Our Little Dorm Mother suddenly took a dark turn. I will explain why I had to write this event in my Afterword once I have finished this fanfiction.

But, I must reiterate that Ryuk was unsuccessful in his attempt to claim Nami.

Please anticipate the following chapters for further guidance on what is to come.

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