Chapter 60- Time Apart

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Sehun, Baekhyun and Kai peeked through D.O's open door and observed in amused wonder at D.O rolling around in his bed. It had been an hour since they returned from their emergency meeting and it had been half an hour since D.O had started muttering to himself agitatedly.

"Do you think he's finally lost his marbles, hyung?" Sehun asked Baekhyun. "D.O-hyung has been doing that since we got back."

Baekhyun gestured for the three of them to step away from the door. He replied, "Hmm... something must have happened before the meeting."

"Do you think it has something to do with Little Umma?" Kai suggested. "She's not back at the dorm yet. Wasn't she meant to move back in with us today?"

"Maybe they had a fight" Sehun pointed out.

The three exchanged looks with each other.

"Well, I guess that's possible. I mean, they did have their ups and downs while they were filming but they've never been on 'no-talking' terms before" Baekhyun thought aloud.

"It's probably just a lover's tiff" Kai dismissed while rolling his eyes.

Sehun replied, "But even so, we'll be flying in a few hours and D.O-hyung hasn't even packed yet."

All three turned back to look at D.O as they heard him scream into his pillow while thrashing his legs about. He must have thought of something embarrassing again.

"Maybe we should get Suho-hyung to knock some sense into him?" Baekhyun jokingly suggested.

"Good idea" Kai and Sehun agreed.


D.O replayed the events in his head whilst rolling around on his bed.

He felt so stupid. Was it all a mistake? Had he jumped the gun too soon when he impulsively proposed to Nami?

He hugged his pillow tightly and sighed. It may have felt like a mistake but he was definitely sure that it wasn't--he hadn't jumped the gun.

Everything he had told her was the truth: he had been thinking about spending the rest of his life with her throughout the whole time they were on WGM together. Every day he would wake up smiling because Nami was the first person he'd see. Just seeing her once made him feel so elated and he didn't want that feeling ever to end.

But like all good things, D.O was painfully aware that their time together was limited. He knew that one day, Nami would have to leave but, he had hoped that by asking her to marry him, she would stay. D.O couldn't risk losing her; he wanted to be with her and he had never been so sure about anything in his life apart from this.

He sighed as he thought about her answer. I need time to think about it.

Honestly, D.O didn't know whether he should be happy that she didn't reject him or be sad that she didn't say 'yes'. While her answer wasn't bad, it wasn't good either. To a guy, 'thinking about it' was code for many things. And one of them was 'I'm not interested but thanks for the offer anyway'. 

D.O grew glum at the prospect. What if Nami was actually trying to say 'no' but didn't say it out loud because she was being mindful of his feelings? He had thought that he and Nami were on the same wavelength but her answer had proved him otherwise.

Suddenly, D.O heard a knock on the door which broke him away from his thoughts. He rolled over to his other side.

"Can I come in?" It was Suho.

D.O needn't respond as Suho came in anyway.

"So the others told me that you've been rolling around since we got back from SMHQ" Suho began, as he sat down at the end of D.O's bed. "Mind explaining to me why?"

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