Chapter 53- Supermarket Trip

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"We're not going back to the dorm?" I asked as the car parked outside a tall apartment complex.

"Nope" one of the WGM staff replied. "You and D.O-ssi will be staying in this apartment together for the duration of the show."

D.O and I exchanged looks as we made our way to our new apartment. It was a cosy apartment that was furnished with chocolate brown leather sofas and simplistic decoration.

I surveyed the room and realised that there was only one bedroom. I peered inside and I was astonished to see that there was no bed. "Erm, excuse me," I said, trying to attract the attention of the WGM staff, who were busy setting up their filming equipment. "Where's the bed?"

"Oh, there's a futon inside the cupboard over there." She pointed to one of the airing cupboards and I checked it by sliding the door to one side. There, folded up neatly, was a futon. I took it out only to find that we had another problem.

There was only one futon.

I turned to look at D.O, who had followed me inside the bedroom although, it was just an empty room at the moment. "D.O-ah," I said pointing to the futon.

He glanced at where I was pointing at and then met eyes with mine. "I'll sleep on the sofa tonight" he stated. "You can take the futon."

"Are you sure, D.O-ah?" I asked. "I mean, I can sleep on the sofa tonight--"

"No, it's okay. I'll sleep on the sofa--"

"But it's unfair on you," I replied. "You should take the futon--"

"No, Nami-ah. I insist, I'll take the sofa--"

We engaged in a staredown as we both stubbornly wanted the other to sleep on the futon. It was a battle of politeness. Suddenly, D.O started laughing and I couldn't help but join him.

"Look at us," he said still grinning. "We're fighting over who should sleep on the futon."

"Yeah" I giggled, "I guess we're just as insistent as the other."

"Tell you what" he suddenly said. "Why don't we play for it?" He raised his fist to suggest a game we were both familiar with.

"Rock-paper-scissors? Seriously?"

He chuckled. "Whoever loses has to sleep on the futon, deal?"

I nodded. "Fine. Deal."

We threw our fists in front of us and started playing rock-paper-scissors. D.O chanted, "Rock, paper, scissors!" And he made the rock sign with his fingers. I grinned: I had played paper. "Looks like I'm taking the sofa" I smirked.

D.O was displeased. "Let's do best of five."

"Nah-uh" I replied. "A deal's a deal. You sleep on the futon."

I pranced out of the bedroom before D.O could protest. It felt good to win, even though it was just over a silly thing like who gets to sleep on the sofa. When D.O finally came out to join me, he saw that I was checking the cupboards. They were all empty. I turned to one of the WGM staff. "So we'll be staying here until further notice?"

She replied, "Yes. We'll be filming your interactions at home but it will be done less invasively." She pointed to the cameras that had been installed. "We've set up some smaller cameras since the apartment isn't very big. Rest assured, we won't be here all the time so you'll be much more comfortable."

D.O then asked, "Do we have anything scheduled to be filmed today?"

"Well, since there is no food in the apartment at the moment, we were planning on filming you guys going grocery shopping."

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