Chapter 16- Burning Up

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I turned around at the sound of someone calling my name. I frowned. "Go away, Chanyeol."

Chanyeol continued to tail me as I entered the bathroom.

"Are you going to follow me into the bathroom too?" I barked at him.

It had been three days since the photo shoot and I had been refusing to talk to Chanyeol ever since. Chanyeol didn't give up easily--he had been pestering me to forgive him but I had ignored him every single time he attempted to make conversation with me. I was furious at him. But above all, I was annoyed at myself for letting him see me cry.

"C'mon, Nami-ah. How long are you going to stay angry at me? I've already apologised a dozen times" he said, through the crack in the door. He had wedged his foot in between the door and the door frame so I couldn't shut it.

"It doesn't matter how many times you apologise, I won't forgive you!" I snarled at him.

Chanyeol pulled a face. I saw him search his pockets for his phone. "Not even if I got you the most awesome apology gift?" Chanyeol showed me his phone screen where his messages on KakaoTalk was open. It was all in Hangul and I had difficulty reading it but, all I needed to see was who they were from to convince me to open the bathroom door.

It was Chanyeol's conversation with Suga. Suga, from BTS!

I loosened my grip on the bathroom door and immediately started translating Suga's messages in my head. I didn't understand most of what they were talking about but, I did manage to decipher some of the characters.

My eyes darted across the small screen and then met Chanyeol's as I looked up at him. Chanyeol had a lopsided grin on his face.

"Suga wants us to come and visit them?" My voice was trembling with excitement.

"Yep. They have practice at Big Hit Entertainment today. We can go and visit them as soon as you're ready."

I was stunned speechless.

Chanyeol's grin grew wider. "So, am I forgiven?"

I stared up at him, unable to contain my excitement and joy. The only thing I was thinking about was how I was going to meet BTS today.

BTS. I was going to meet BTS!

For a brief moment, I'd forgotten I was angry at Chanyeol and I embraced him. I squealed, "Thank you, Chanyeol! Thank you! I'm so excited!"

Chanyeol was startled at my sudden embrace. He laughed. "I should have done this sooner if I knew how excited you'd be." I felt his arms wrap around my shoulders as if he was returning my embrace.

I pushed him away immediately, finally remembering that I was meant to be angry at him. I composed myself. "But, this doesn't excuse you from what you did before."

Chanyeol was perplexed, "But I said I was sorry."

"And I acknowledge that now," I told him. His face relaxed at my words. "But" I continued, I left him for a brief second and returned with a toilet brush in my hand. "If you ever do that to me again--"

"Woah, woah, woah," Chanyeol said alarmed as he backed away from me. "Put the toilet brush down, Nami-ah."

I inched closer towards him with the bristles of the toilet brush facing his direction. "Do that to me again," I told him threateningly, "and I'll make sure your mouth will be swimming in germs!"

Chanyeol leaned away from me as I hovered the toilet brush in front of him. He squeaked, "Okay, okay! I promise! I won't do anything like that again. Please, just put the toilet brush away! Don't you know how dirty that thing is?"

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