Chapter 15- Unknown Force

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Chanyeol watched Nami's face heat up with embarrassment. Even though she was wearing a mask, he was able to see her almond-shaped eyes widen with surprise. He smirked. At that precise moment, he felt triumphant at having caught Nami off guard. Her expression was priceless.

"What's the matter?" he questioned her teasingly, "Why aren't you saying anything? Cat got your tongue?"

Chanyeol watched as Nami stayed rooted to the ground. His playful kiss had a bigger impact on Nami than he anticipated.

"Yah, Nami-ah" he called out to her, waving his hand in front of her face. "Hello? You there?"

Suddenly, Nami's eyes flickered and she finally recovered from her initial shock. She saw Chanyeol in front of her and abruptly took hold of his collar again.

"Woah, Nami-ah, what are you--"

Nami swept her leg from behind Chanyeol while pushing him down at the same time. Chanyeol was unable to finish his question as in less than a minute, his whole world turned sideways as he fell on the floor, landing on his back. Nami had done her judo throw on him again.

Chanyeol saw Nami towering over him, her face flushed pink and her eyes glittering with what looked like tears. He was about to shout at her, call her a macho woman but, seeing her upset caused him to bite his tongue. Instead of feeling angry at being thrown to the ground, he felt guilty. The kiss was only meant to be a joke. He didn't think that Nami would take it seriously.

"Chanyeol, you pabo!" she shouted at him before running out of the set.

The EXO members watched as an upset Nami fled the studio. Not knowing what to do, the EXO members followed Suho, who rushed to help a stunned Chanyeol up. All the members went to Chanyeol apart from one.

"I'm going to look for Nami-ah," D.O told Chen.

Chen nodded. "Bring her back to us when she's ready."

As Chen joined the rest, he saw that everyone had crowded around Chanyeol.

Suho's voice was raucous, "Yah! Why did you do that to Nami-ah? That's sexual harassment!"

"I was just joking" Chanyeol's voice sounded low and regretful.

Baekhyun commented, "You took it too far, Chanyeol."

"Yeah, says the one who walked in on her" he retorted.

"That was different!"

"Shut up, both of you" Suho growled. He pinched his nose bridge to signal how stressed he was. "I'm going to apologise to the staff for the delay. For now, I need someone to go and find Nami-ah."

"D.O went to look for her" Chen replied.

Xiumin approached Chanyeol. His face was dark. "You need to apologise to her, Chanyeol" he said icily.

Chanyeol shrank away from Xiumin. He had never seen him so serious before. "Yes, hyung" he answered mournfully.


D.O was walking briskly as he searched for Nami in the corridors outside the photography studio. She had run away so fast that he hadn't been able to keep up with her.

He turned left when he heard the sound of sobbing and eventually found an upset Nami, on the floor, hugging her legs as she hid her face behind her knees. D.O approached her quietly, unsure of how he could comfort her. It pained him to see her upset but it made him realise that despite her brave front, Nami was still a girl with sensitive feelings.

He sat down next to her and was quiet for a while. Only the sound of her sniffling could be heard echoing around the corridor.

"Nami-ah," D.O finally said, "All I can say is that I'm sorry for what Chanyeol did to you. He's not normally like this, he would never do anything to purposefully hurt anyone--"

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