He pulled back as she bit her lip watching him walk away in his full naked glory. Once she heard the shower water run, she got up wrapping the sheet around her body holding it up against her breast so it couldn't fall. She walked up to the painting trying to peek at it, she took her finger and slowly began to move some of the sheet out of the way.

"That would be cheating!" She quickly pulled her hand away looking around the area.

Then again... She saw that same painting from before. The disturbing yet so beautiful painting. She walked up to it and kneeled down in front of it, she realised that there were a whole bunch of others almost similar just different faces. One caught her attention, was this Paris?

"I see you've been snooping around."

She quickly left the paintings getting up and turning to face him.

"They're beautiful." She smiled weakly.

He grabbed her hand pulling her against him, "are. You. Ready. To. See. Your. Painting?" He asked kissing her lips between each word.

She nodded her head, and just when he was about to remove the sheet a knock on his front door went off. They looked at each other skeptically.

"You invited company?" Toni asked raising her eyebrows.

"No." He said swallowing his saliva. "Who is it?" He asked, "don't move." He said to her as she nodded.

He turned around as he walked up to the door, the man turned around with a woman beside him.

"Its Ken." She panicked quickly moving out the way hiding behind the nearest wall.

Zayn looked back at her before he walked up to the door fixing himself up. Zayn slowly pulled the door open as he smiled at Kenny and another woman.

"Mr Edmonds. What brings you by?" He asked confused by his sudden presence. "May we come in?" The woman asked.

"Umm..." he trailed off looking back, before pulling the door open. "Sure." He smiled.

Toni's eyes widened, she looked behind her and noticed an open door ahead. Quickly running into it. She left it halfway open so she could see what their plans were.

"Who's your lovely friend Mr Edmonds?" Zayn smirked, "this is Alicia, Alicia Keys. And she is one of my favorite artists, and she is also a big fan of your work." Kenny smiled sliding his hands into his pocket rocking on his feet carefully looking around his home.

"Yes I am. I'm working on a new album currently and I would really love for you to work with me on my cover." She said with a bright smile.

"Nice place you have here son." Kenny said as his eyes landed on the large painting in the center that was covered with a black sheet, Zayn watched Kenny intently as he realised what he was looking at.

"Let me hand you my contact details." Zayn said to Alicia. "Please." Alicia chuckled.

Zayn searched through his drawer as he's eyes landed on Toni's cellphone that laid on the counter. He turned around handing Alicia his card.

"Contact me. I'm really looking forward to working with you." He said as she nodded placing her attention on the painting above his drawer.

"I like this." She said studying it.

Zayn steered his eyes from her to Kenny. Kenny walked up to the painting as he removed his hand placing it on his chin. He bit his inner gum before he placed his finger on the sheet, starting to remove...

"Babyface. We can go now. I have what I wanted." Alicia said with a smile shaking Zayn's hand.

"Sure." Kenny said slipping his hands back into his pocket walking up to the two of them with a smile. "Nice seeing you again Zayn." Kenny said as he noticed a familiar bag by the sofa.

He shook his head as he followed out behind Alicia. Once the front door closed, Toni came out dropping the sheet and picking up her clothes.

"What are you doing? Don't you wanna see the painting-"

"You weren't gonna stop him! You saw that he was about to remove the damn sheet! But you didn't stop him!" She shouted as he chuckled lightly.

"Oh us getting caught is almost a joke?" She asked angrily slipping on her jeans.

She grabbed her bag rushing up to the door.

"Don't forget your phone." He said with a cocky smile.

She annoyingly grabbed her phone off the counter opening the door before slamming it closed behind her.

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