"Oh yes. Um you got a call from Vogue and they want a photoshoot with you. They say that they need you by tommorrow.They say it's for an important event." He muttered before rushing out of the room, closing the door behind him. 

"You don't have to scare off David like that.Unless the door is locked he will barge right in. He's always been like that." Aria's hands brushed through my hair, making me lower my head to her chest. And by doing that my head got pushed up between her boobs. I could feel my dick start to harden again. She seriously turns me on a lot. 
"We should get up and get something to eat." She muttered before rolling out from under me. I groaned and stood up too."Ohhhh we should twin!!" she squealed before diving into her closet. She came back out with a green flannel with a tank top under it with some really short shorts. She tossed me a similar outfit but instead I got cut off jeans. My eyes raked over her body,taking in all of her curves. I groaned loudly as she bent over to put on her high heeled boots.

"Don't tease me like that Aria" I moved behind her but she quickly straightened and darted out of the door. I quickly slipped on my clothes and ran after her. I could hear her laughter floating down the hallway. She's making a scene, I realized. I chased after her, turning around corners. Why does this damn house have to have so many hallways?"Aria!!" I called out but she continued running. She's faster than I thought. People started poking their heads out of their rooms, wondering what the ruckus is about.

"Aria! What are you doing running around?" Her mother's head suddenly popped out of her room, scaring the living hell out of me. I stared at her as my heart accelerated from the scare.
"Oh my god Harper!You should've seen your face" I turned to Aria to see her bent over, shaking with laughter. "Y-you looked like you peed yourself" I scowled and ran towards her. Once she saw me her eyes widened and she turned around and ran again. This time I'm not going to let her go. She flew down the long staircase leading to the first floor. Without a second  thought I launched myself in the air and tackled her to the ground. Before we hit the ground I flipped us over so she was above me.She squealed as we landed on the floor with a thump, her on top of me. My hands immediatley fastened around her waist.

"Seems like I beat you this time" My face broke out into a grin as I stared into her blue eyes. She scowled, obiously mad that she didn't win. "Awe come on it was fair." I chuckled, making her bounce on my chest.

"GROUP HUG!!!" someone yelled out before they  threw themselves over Aria. She grunted  and put her head on my chest but didn't say anything. Soon there were three, no scratch that, 4 bodies on top of me.

"Get off. I can't breathe dumbasses." I wheezed, pushing them all off of me. Aria fell down on the floor in a fit of giggles along with her brothers and Ivy.

"I see none of you have grown up." We all looked up towards the staircase to see  Stella and Owen grinning down at us. Nobody moved as they started down the stairs. Once they  got to the bottom Stella's  eyes focused  on Aria's neck.
"Is that a hickey Aria?" She pushed her hair away,revealing a really big and bright hickey at the base of her neck. Aria immediatley flinched away from her touch, still not having forgiven her. I felt  really heavy eyes on me so I turned to face Owen. He glowered at me, standing as tall as he can. Taking it as a challenge I stood up to my full height. I stood about an inch taller than him even though he's a grown man. I stared back at him until Aria pulled at my arm.
"Yes it's a hickey. It's nothing big or something to fuss about."She rolled her eyes dramatically. Owen looked like he wanted to say something but knowing that he hasn't earned her full trust he turned to his wife. She simply smiled and stroked his arm.

"Wait, you're supposed to mark her, not give her hickeys" Alex pointed out, his grey eyes glinting with mischeif.

"Yeah well I'm still allowed to give her hickeys. I never read about not being able to do that to her."  I shot back. Aria glanced up at me, and I stared down at her beautiful face, savoring it.Her face broke out into a smile as her parents started to turn and leave.
"We'll be in my office if anyone needs us." Was all Owen said before they diappeared down another long hallway. David and Alex stood there staring at Aria, who stared back at them with a grin. She bounced around them towards the kitchen, making sure to sway her hips on her way. I groaned and followed after her. She will seriously kill me one day. When I entered the kitchen she was trying to reach for a jar of candy on a top cupboard. Sighing I moved behind her and brought it down for her. She smiled at me gratefully before taking the jar from me.

"I won't give it too easily to you." I whispered in her ear before squishing her ass. It's neither hard nor too squishy. She sure does her fair share of squats. Her face turned red as Alex and David entered, their eyes immediatley falling to my hand. Their eyes darkened and they growled at me. Slowly, they stalked towards me, the overprotective brother mode switched on.

"Guys calm down. He's my mate remember? He can do anything he wants.Calm down." Aria stepped forward and put a hand on their chests. They looked down at her, their faces relaxing.
"It just doesn't seem right to watch him touching you like that" David huffed before sitting on a stool. Aria moved to sit on one too but almost immediatley sprang back up with a hiss of pain. She rubbed her butt and glanced at me. I immedialtey knew it hurts from when I spanked her days ago. I'm surprised it still hurts. Without a moment of hestitation I sat on the stool and picked her up. Her eyes widened as I sat her down on my lap.
"H-Harper?" She was clearly shocked at my actions but I simply locked my arms around her waist, securing her in place. Her brothers shook their head before standing up and leaving. 

I watched as Aria shoved some candy into her mouth. It puckered a little bit making me laugh. 

" You sure can eat a lot babe." I mused as she finished off the whole jar.

"Well then how am I supposed to feed these beasts?" She flexed her arms, showing off the muscles she had worked hard for. I remember the days when she would stay in the training area after everyone had left. She would train and work even when the weather wasn't good. And just because she wanted to be someone better. 
"Ha mine are bigger." I scoffed, flexing my arms too. She pouted but then slid off my lap. 
"My butt still hurts from where you spanked me. " She crossed her arms, accidently pushing her boobs up. I stared at them for a minute, watching how they showed over the top of her tank top before she snapped her fingers."My eyes are up here buddy" I looked up at her grinning face. Every time she smiles the side of her eyes crinkle in a really hot way that turns me on.

"Why do you turn me on with every simple movement?" I grumbled, sliding her off of my lap and getting off the stool,going for the door.

"Um sorry not my fault you're a horny hoe." She slammed into my back once I stopped. I stared at the door where Blake stood with his Beta."What. Who-" She stopped once she saw him. THey had a stare on for a few minutes. I have a feeling things were about to go down.

~Hey!!!! I'm so sorry for not updating this sooner but I was kinda busy for the past few days. I hope you enjoyed this story or if not well ok. I'm going to give you guys a good surprise in the next chapter and give you a taste of Blakes point of view!!!~


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