Rye, The Thrill Seeker

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Family wealth: His family was wealthy when he was younger, but they were ruined by magic. Thankfully, he got accepted free of charge into avian and he got money in interesting ways. Currently, his parents and brother aren't around and he is going solo through life.
Family friends: Derek
Immediate family:
Mother: Elizabeth Chauntel, manufactured wine and never left the house without wearing a classy dress.*
Father: Desmond Chauntel, a quiet, kind man who always hid in his study. Rye never knew his father that well, but after his father disappeared and magic made his mom go insane, he wished he did.
Brother: Lucas Chauntel, a charming young boy who had a thing for fashion. After their family was ruined Lucas vowed to never be near the horrors of magic again.
Ex-Wife: Serena Kumotta, an impish girl who played the game of life for the thrill of the chase. She had two children with Rye and then tricked him into having another later on.*
Daughter: Lily Chauntel, a hardworking and extroverted young girl who had to bear many burdens because her father's lack of a conscience.
Youngest Son: Reyne Chauntel, an intelligent and manipulative young man like his father who has attachment issues because death and chaos follows him like flies.
Eldest Son: Kito Chauntel, a kind-hearted, adventurous boy who was everything Rye should have been. Sadly, he had to give up his body in order to protect Narian.
Others: Sister in law, nephew, and niece.***
Current friends: Derek, Gemini, Demi, Stella, Dx, Ozzie, Death
Current acquaintances: Nova, Arrow, Lily, Goyo
Current enemies: Lily, Naomi
Employment: Self-employed...usually gets by without money.

General History:
"When I was younger I had a soft bed and a big imagination. The world was mine and I could do whatever I wanted to. Obviously, I was wrong. Sugar plums and gumdrops turn into coal and sleet eventually. Sorry Santa, this fairytale wasn't ho ho ho ho hopeful in the slightest. Basically, when I was in middle school, a shadow THING came to our door one day and tempted my mom with fame and fortune for information. (That she apparently had?) My mom was going to oblige, but my father did not like the idea in the slightest. He shut the shadow out and hid in his study. Mother, however, was greedy. She was a greedy little girl. She opened a window for the shadow that night and after that...I can't even explain what happened. I remember somebody yelling like psychotic maniac. The whole house was suddenly made out of gold. Mom kept hitting Lucas saying that the house was HERS and HERS alone. She was going insane with greed. I thought father could fix her, but he could not. He decided to go after the shadow that did this to us...but he never returned. I ran away from that house with my brother and an orphanage took us into custody. The orphanage wanted to teach us magic because we had potential, but my brother refused. He was terrified of magic and wanted nothing to do with it. I, on the other hand, was intrigued by magic and wanted to learn how somebody could go that insane because of it. What information could my mother have had that would attract a shadow of that caliber? What did it want to know? Why us? All these questions led me to learn. And I did. It brought me to Avian Academy where I was content until I was kidnapped by some of my classmates. They blackmailed me into staying shut about their plans and I was terrified something would happen to my friends...so I stayed quiet. Eventually their schemes were so heartbreaking I could not take it any longer. I shut down. All the friendships I made were slowly draining because of how I shut myself in. I knew, but I couldn't say a word. It was painful. Thankfully, the hell year ended. I had to watch half my friends get kidnapped and the other half get scarred. ...what happened next is longer story that I can't get into easily...so I'll skip forward a few hundred years.

I met a girl. I really liked her, trust me. It was a shame she was only after my inherited skill. She wanted to train my kids and then sell them off. Of course I had to find out after I had my second child with her, so I slammed her face through a window. My only love was just using me...it hurt. I placed my kids in the custody of Layla and then faked my death in front of my eldest Lily and her friend Naomi. Unfortunately, I had to come back when I learned of Layla's own death. They both hated me for pulling a stunt like that on a whim , but I did not care. As long as their mother couldn't use them, I didn't care how they felt about me. So I ran away and lived a carefree life full of wonder...until years later when that bitch made me feel in love again. She said "oh Rye I changed. Cmon let's have some fun" -bullshit. But I was lonely. So we got back together and raised our new son until I realized she was STILL a bitch and I killed her. I hope she rots in hell. Anyway, I knew I couldn't take care of my son in the mental state I was in, so I handed him off to my brother. My brother disliked magic and would give him a normal life, I thought. So basically I pawned him off and was done with it. Thankfully, Lily joined my brother's family few years later to keep watch over Reyne...sighs. that isn't even the end, but it's good enough for now. Endings are boring anyways. It's better if the fun keeps going."

Living arrangements: Camps outside. He never wants to live in a big fancy house again.
Hometown: Ladon
Current town of residence: Messing around in the ruins of Narian Castle.
Education level: Preschool-Third year of high school
Training: Magic training at orphanage and some guidance at Avain Academy. Most of it was self-taught later on in life in order to survive.

Goals—Ultimate and In-Story:
Short-term goals in-story: Live life his own way.
Long-term goal in-story: don't get involved and pray that people won't force him to help, find out what happened to his family, to make a genuine connection with somebody.

"The connection. It's not there. I just need to find it."

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