Chapter 18

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"Thank you Houston! You've been incredible and we love you so much! Goodnight!"

The words the girls were shouting into the microphones could scarcely be heard over the roar of the crowd. To say that the show had been a success would be an understatement.

Beaming, Camila gazed out into the sea of faces, wondering how many people's first concert this was; wondering about the stories and the emotions of each individual. She loved to imagine the lives of the people in the crowd every time they played a show.

Waving their goodbyes and hearing the fans screaming and clapping, the girls retreated backstage slowly. Congratulating each other and everyone else around them, they made their way back into the dressing room to get changed into their regular clothes and calm down after the show.

"You were amazing tonight, Camz," Lauren smiled at the smaller girl, taking her hand.

Camila blushed and returned the compliment. "Laur?" she asked shyly, catching Dinah grinning at her out of the corner of her eye.


The brunette took a deep breath. "I want you to come with me somewhere. Right now," she requested gently, before giving Lauren a quick kiss.

Normani and Ally, who were still unaware of their relationship, gasped audibly from the corner before starting to squeal ecstatically. Dinah hastily told them to be quiet, and mouthed that she would tell them later.

"Go with you where?" Lauren asked in curiosity, oblivious to the staring and excitement that was emanating from the other side of the dressing room.

"You'll have to wait and see," replied Camila mischievously, a twinkle in her chocolate brown eyes. "But we need to go now."

Lauren felt slightly apprehensive, but she was mainly feverish with excitement. Is this a date? she wondered as they began to gather their belongings. If it was, she was positive it was going to be the best experience of her entire life. And if it wasn't, it was still going to be amazing. Because she was with Camila.

"Good luck, Mila," Dinah whispered to the smaller girl as she prepared to leave, rubbing the brunette's back. Camila took a shaky breath in and the Polynesian could see how nervous she truly was. "She'll love it, I know she will."

"Thanks, I love you. And thank you for helping me organise this," Camila responded, flashing a grateful smile towards her best friend.

Dinah smiled back at her just as Lauren and Camila walked out of the door. As soon as they had exited, Ally and Normani pounced on Dinah, begging her to tell them what was going on between the two Latinas. Preparing for the shouts that she knew would come when she told them, Dinah inhaled deeply and began to relieve the story of 'Camren'.

The two brunettes, meanwhile, were standing outside in the parking lot. Their hands were clasped around each other's.

"How are we getting to...wherever we're going?" Lauren asked with a slight chuckle, eyeing Camila with a bemused but adoring expression.

Camila glanced up at the taller girl and grinned. "Don't worry, I have arranged our mode of transport. We're not walking." She considered for a moment. "Or...I suppose we could. It's only a twenty five minute walk. But it's up to you," the small girl squeezed Lauren's hand, leaving the decision for her to make.

The older girl deliberated for a second and then made a logical decision. Walking meant she would get to spend more time with Camila. "Let's walk," she told the smaller girl emphatically, and Camila giggled. She knew how Lauren's mind worked, and had expected this answer.

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