Chapter 10

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Camila hadn't kissed anyone before. Or at least, she hadn't kissed anyone because she genuinely wanted to; she had only kissed her ex-boyfriend for the cameras. Either way, this kiss had felt different.

The instant their lips touched she had felt an indescribable feeling inside her. It was like every care in the world and everything that was troubling her melted away with Lauren's gentle touch. Although it had been only a short, chaste kiss, she had felt as though the world could have come crumbling down around her and she wouldn't have minded or worried about it.

Lauren felt similarly, although her experience leading up to the kiss differed completely from Camila's. She had first developed feelings for Camila around two years before. The fans' idea of 'Camren' hadn't been completely fictitious, even though it was one sided. Lauren had started noticing small things that Camila said and did that gave her a happy, warm feeling whenever she thought about the small girl. These occasional thoughts began to progress into dreams, and from dreams into constant daydreams. She couldn't shake the hopeless wish that Camila would one day realize that she felt the same way.

And now she apparently did.

The girls, having drawn apart, were sitting in content quiet and simply staring at each other, both deep in buoyant thoughts of the other girl sat before them. They sat like this comfortably for a short time before the door swung open, breaking the silent bond between them. Camila sat up straighter in her chair, her hand smoothing her dark hair instinctively and Lauren cleared her throat.

The girls walked in, followed by Lauren's parents and the nurse who had been in the room earlier. Normani, Ally and Dinah looked curiously at the two girls, particularly Camila, who looked like almost a different person from earlier. Before, she had been pale and miserable-looking with tear stricken cheeks. Now she looked slightly flushed and her eyes were lit up like the night sky scattered with a million tiny pinpricks of light.

Camila smiled sweetly at them, ignoring the inquisitive looks. If she did decide to tell them what had just happened between her and Lauren, this definitely wasn't the right time to do it. Not in front of Lauren's parents.

Mike and Clara were gazing fondly at their daughter, their relief and happiness at her being awake evident. The nurse, however, looked distinctly disgruntled.

"I thought I asked you to press the button when she woke up?" she asked exasperatedly, shaking her head.

"Oh, shit," Dinah said suddenly. "Sorry, we completely forgot, you know, because Lauren woke up and we wanted to talk and—"

The nurse cut her off with an empathetic smile. "It's okay. I understand. Just make sure you follow my instructions next time!" Her blue eyes twinkled as she laughed, putting the girls at ease.

Camila turned around to face Lauren again while this exchange was occurring. She couldn't take her eyes off the older girl; it was like she was suddenly addicted to the sight of her face and the feeling of being with her. With a wide smile, Lauren reached over quickly and squeezed the smaller girl's hand before hurriedly withdrawing before anyone could see. She wasn't ready to tell anyone just yet. And she wasn't stupid. Even though they had just kissed, Lauren knew that Camila and herself needed to sit down and talk about things. They couldn't just rush into what would ultimately end up being a fun and passionate, but short and bitter relationship.

"....So, do you understand, Lauren?" The female voice sounded in Lauren's ears, interrupting the pondering she had been deep in.

"Understand...understand what, sorry?" she asked apologetically, having been too wrapped up in her own thoughts to listen to what had been said to her.

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