Back To Reality:6

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Enjoy !

Picture of Asher ----------------------------------------------->


“Come on lets go” Liam announced when they both finished laughing. Liam walked over to Drake and helped him walk as his attempt before failed and Lauren helped me up.

“Loose some weight women!” Lauren helped me up. “I can’t or I will like anorexic!” I replied slurring half way through the sentence.

“Lauren“ I added.

“Yeah?” she replied

“You really are t-the best friend I could ever have” I slurred, it sound like it came straight from one of those soapies on TV. “Yes, I know” and I smiled. As we approached the front of the bouquet Laim opened his big mouth.

“Hmmmm guy, I don’t thing we want to go out there any time soon” he pointed to the huge glass window of the shop where there was hundreds of cameras and paparazzi. It felt like one of the moments that you sober by pretty quickly as I came back down to reality. Paparazzi equals cameras, cameras equal photos and photo go to every magazine around the world.

“Shit” I sighed desperately as I looked at my friends.


“Ava I am warning you for the second time don’t go out there! “ Scott, my agent argued with me again. I put my phone that Scott was mouthing off to me on my shoulder to block him out talking for a bit. I peered out from behind the wall that was currently hiding me from the paparazzi, they all stood there with their large black cameras in hand barricading the front door to the bouquet. The staff had closed the two main entrance doors at the front of the store thank god, so no one could get in and no one could get out. I am happy they did that but for about 10 other females in the bouquet they looked pissed off. Oh well their lose not mine.

I turned back and faced my friends, they all sat on the cold tiled floor and looking exhausted. I don’t blame them swimming against the waves, shopping for two hours and now this, I think we all deserve a well earned nap but too bad we are in a situation like this and it’s all because of me and my fame. My eyes landed on Drake who is currently slumped in the corner, taking every bit of energy to keep his eyes open and probably having or soon to get a pounding headache like me.

I couldn’t help but laugh as the way he looked reminded me of my sixteenth birthday where Drake, Dylan, Liam, Lauren and some of my brothers and mine all got dressed up and went clubbing. Lets just say that the night ended up in Drakes basement and was not a pretty site when we all had sobered up!

I put the phone back up to my ear to still hear Scott mouth off to me some more. Wow my agent has a mouth on him to bad I have the all the power in this relationship. Lauren looked at me as I rolled my eyes and let out a small girly giggle.

“Oi Scott listen here” I chimed in making him shut up. Oh the serenity!

“Yes my little money maker” he replied and knowing him from the start of my career he had a fake smile plastered across his face when he said that. “Well if you don’t want to be fired then I suggest you get me a very fast car with blacked out windows and get me and my friends out of here. NOW!” I exclaimed with frustration.

“Yes my d-“ I pressed the big red end call button that was screaming out my name from the minute I called him. “Dickhead” I muttered as I slid my phone into the back pocket of my ripped mini shorts. “So is he getting us out of here anytime soon?” Lauren spoke as she had her head resting on Liams shoulder, Liam was currently taking a little grandpa nap. I would so mess with him if we weren’t in this little sticky situation.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2012 ⏰

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