Back To Reality:2

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I stood there shocked with many questions flooding my mind. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. I turned to look at my brother he gave me a ‘didn’t know they were coming’ look.

“Aunty Ava!!! Come play toys with me!” Asher yelled out. He got off Rosie’s lap and ran to me and cuddled my leg. You could see the tension in the air I could cut it with a knife. My parents could not take their eyes off me maybe because I have not seen them for 7 months or maybe i have gotten prettier, i think its more the first one.

“Hi big boy. I will come play toys with you soon. Why don’t you go set up the car mat?” I replied as I picked him up and cuddled him in my arm.

“Yay but I want the red car!” he said.

“Ok, i shotty blue!” I put him down and watched as he ran up the stairs and heading towards his room. I turned back to look at my parents. I wonder why they are here for?

“Hi” I muttered. I took a seat next to my brother and Rosie when my dad finally decided to open his mouth.

“Hello” was all he manged to say. What the fuck!

I could hear my mum mutter something under her breath something like “ I want to go…. So awkward…come on”. I pretended I never heard what she said and turned my eye sight back to my dad who looked anxious.

“So why are you here?” i figured to break the silence now. Better then later i could already sense the tension.

“Well tell her” My mother said sharply to my dad. "Pig" i muttered under my breath and to think that she was the one that gave birth to me. She cant even look her own daughter in the eyes anymore!

“Well Ava have you seen some of the headlines in the papers and magazines these days?” My dad questioned while chucking a pile of papers and magazines at me.

I quickly caught them and looked at the front headlines they are all about me.Surpise Surprise. Some of the headlines said: Ava went wild, Definition: Bitch, Party girl gone?!. I looked down to the photo’s they were all taken last month at the party I went to for my best friend Anna. I don’t remember any for the night but I look extremely wasted in all  these photos. I quickly glanced at one of the articles and it said that I hit and punched one of the paparazzi guys in the face. What the fuck! i cant punch for shit! models dont generally fit that it there workouts! I looked at Rosie and Dylan they have obviously seen the headlines and the articals because they sat there shocked with my mouths open. Well this is awkward.

“ Nope” I said popping the ‘p’ I didn’t take my eyes of the magazines. I don’t look at the newspapers and magazine for this very reason. Too much shit made up.

“Well me are your mother are disgusted in you and for your own good we have booked you a holiday for 3 weeks so you can have some down time. We did not raise you like this and you should know better!” My dad said sternly, rasing his voice that the end of his little speech. Probably feeling proud that he stood up to me.

What the fuck I cannot have a holiday I don’t have time for holidays. If I go on a holiday I will lose my job as the lead model and there is no way in hell I am loosing that. My parents hate me and now they are sending me away on a suppose ‘holiday’ for my own good. In their dreams!!

“Sweety this if for your own good” My mother finally decides to speak and looked me in the eyes. Finally

“When did you join the party mother” I scrolled as I shot her a death stare. She quickly look away from my face and look at my father.

I looked over to my brother and for some reason he looks like he is agreeing with my parents. I thought he hated them just as much as I did. They made his childhood hell from what he told me. I gave him a ‘wtf’ look and stood up.

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