Chapter 22 (in the past/present)

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Daphne's pov

A light soon revealed an then we were on domino in the past.

Flora said," what's going on guy's an look at the palace of domino."

Timmy landed the ship near by the palace garden. We all walked off the ship an we stay hidden where we aren't notice or seen.

Tecna whispered," what's the domino's royal guards doing an happening as well."

I whisper," shh guy's an this was before I or bloom was born. Now hush we don't want to change the past now do we an be heard as well."

All of them shook their heads no an I whisper," then shh."

Then we heard voices an they were my mom's parents known as my grandparents along with bloom as well.

One voice said," miriam honey I know your busy an right now you need to train."

My mom was young she said," in a second mommy an I have to make sure my tea party is set up also too yep."

Little miriam's mom said," oh alright but your dad an I want you in the palace in five minutes sweetie. Also too your birthday is approaching very soon an I see."

Little miriam giggle saying," I know mommy an I'll be twelve almost a teen."

Musa an the other's whisper," awe how sweet."

I rolled my eyes an we continue watching my mom playing with her tea set. Then she went inside the palace an stella whisper," let's followed her."

I whisper," wait cause if my younger mom sees us an she might ask us who our parents are. We need to make sure the past stays the past so we can save the present an the future."

Stella whisper," that's why I created invisible blankets an that can I hide us."

She handed each of us a blankets an we put them over us.

Stella whisper," an it will hide our magic also too hide our voices as well."

Sky whisper," that's good an a good idea stella."

The training room was open an we just walked in after walking in the palace of course.

My mom an her parents were in here as in the training room.

My mom's mom said," okay little miriam as the princess of domino an you need to learn to control your power."

Little miriam said," mom I try an try but I can't control my power."

Little miriam's dad said," sweetie it's not the dragon flame an we know. Also too remember when the test happened what the vortex of flames did an tested you. This is different my sweet angel an don't worry we are here okay. "

Little miriam nodded her head saying," yes daddy I know but how can I try to control my power now an when every time the lighting always flares up everywhere."

Little miriam's mom said," cause honey your not in control of your power an your letting your magic also too your power take control. You have to learn to control your power an not let your power control you sweetie."

Little miriam said," okay that's try now an alright I'll try."

Soon my mom's magic was flowing around her an she was really good.

Then her dad said,"  good job sweetie an now aim your magic at the targets."

She nodded her head an then we stare in awe at how she aim at the targets so easily.

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