Chapter 19

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Riven's pov

As they all left an sky said," well I think I just ruin my relationship with bloom as she was mad along with the other fairies especially their dragon's as well."

All of the other specialist besides sky an our group said in unison," yea definitely."

Musa said," wait didn't you guy's wanted to propose to them."

Heila said," yea."

Jay said," well we could followed them an let's be careful though. They'll be mad that we didn't heed to their words as in not to follow them an hopefully they don't blow up on us."

Flora said," for what you guy's are going to do them an they won't be mad also too they wouldn't blow up on you guy's."

Jason said," well let's hope not cause we won't be just facing harmony group, melody group, fire fairies group, silverlight group, an bloom. We will also be facing their dragon's an which they'll won't be to nice cause we didn't listen to them."

Will said," well we could just tell them why we followed them an hopefully they'll understand along with listening to us."

We all were already in the ship an along with being in the air as well. While following their magic trail an which is now faint.

Tecna said," especially since the rings you boy's picked out for your girl's an it will be hard for them to stay mad at you boy's."

Heila said," especially sky an you know bloom can never stay mad at you dude."

Brandon said," well we just enter their barrier that wasn't close yet. Also too is undetectable an that was supposed to keep us or anyone from tracing their magic trail along with finding them."

Roy said," we're going to have to cut the einge's though an as they're only twelve feet in front of us. Also too that barrier was to blocked us out from following their magic trail an entering as well."

Sky said," even though they have good hearing too an so if we did cut the ship engines. They won't hear any sound but we'll have to stay quiet though not even making a sound an cause we all know that they can hear pretty well."

Everyone agree so right now we're just floating in the air being quiet an not even uttering a word.

Aisha said," guy's it look's like their landing in a nice clearing by the woods an also too the clearing is beautiful."

Hayden said," well let's land twelve feet far away from them an just so they don't know they're being followed."

We all agree an luckily they didn't notice us nor that we were following them. Then we set up camp an then we relaxed for the night.

Bloom's pov

We set up our fort's while talking to each other in our mind link an in our heads. I only say that cause all of our forts are fifteen feet apart from each other an so no one was close to each other especially since everyone has enough space in their rooms inside each fort's. Once we all were done setting up our fort's an we chill outside while talking of course. Well after making the undetectable barrier an make sure that it surrounded our area that we're in as well.

Raven said," bloom we're going to have to go food shopping an since our dragon's ate all the food."

Crystal said," not me the others did an I barely got any of the food."

Buddy said," wow thanks crystal blame all of us an leave you in the clear."

We all laugh as it was funny an crystal said," yep an always just kidding guys."

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