Chapter 21

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Bloom's pov

It's noon an we all were down at the smoothie bar chilling also too relaxing as well. I was designing something to block iris's, her friends, an family's magic.

Tecna said," bloom what are you drawing."

I said," hang on a second tecna."

I was drawing ephedia crescent, xeris crescent, volta crescent, borealis crescent, an calix crescent. But it's a magic hiding charm an undetectable magic from any enemies.

Musa said," bloom we're sorry we you know listen to your conversation yesterday an we just wanted to know."

Timmy an the other boy's were riding their wind riders across the water. While us girl's sat on the beach talking an enjoying the sun on the beach.

Stella said," yeah we were just curious as how adrien knew why you, the two little ones, an the dragon's were sick."

Lavender said," we would of told you guys sooner an they had to make sure their enemy doesn't know were they are. Also too their enemy can have ears along with eyes in every places an planets."

Aisha said," oh an that's why they wanted to stay hidden."

I sent the design's to tecna an she started creating them. 

I said," well except nathaniel, doug, kyle, carlos, an matt. Their human besides their children an their wife's."

Flora said," wow that was amazing but cool for them an having wife's that have magic."

Buddy said," we knew that they had magic when they came here an we decided to keep it a secrete until they were in the clear."

Brandon said an while joining us with the other boy's behind him," what happened to their kingdoms."

Taila said while her an the others join us," we were all just chilling on the beach an before we had to perform that night."

Aruiana said," then we heard a huge explosion an at first we thought it was other people in our kingdoms were having a party. But unfortunately taila's parents an sister came to us along with our parents. They told us that they got out of the palace an right before all of our palaces got destroy."

Stella said," did everyone make it to safety in time an their homes as well."

Iris said," yes but they were sad when their homes were destroy an ruin as well."

Tecna said," an done."

I grabbed the charm's from tecna an I lace the charms through each string's.

I said," girl's here's your charm bracelets, boy's, an mini lolirock. It hides your magic from any of your enemies an is undetectable as well. At least until you need to find your children an you can use your magic to use your magic charm bracelet to find them as well. Also too amaru don't get jealous okay an this is just to help you out okay."

Amaru nodded his head an I whistle for the five horses. Taila an the other girls put their charm bracelet's on their wrist.

Along with their children an adrien said," this is amazing thanks bloom."

They all said except adrien," really amazing an thank you bloom."

I said," no problem guy's an really it's no worries."

Then five horses each for iris, her friends, an their children's came then they landed in front of us.

Aruiana said," this would help amaru out a lot an right amaru."

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