57 ; Revised

Mulai dari awal

Adam and I were taken back at Zayn's actions towards Chris. While I never had a problem with him, even when Zayn and Adam had gotten into a fight he refused to help, I knew Zayn literally disliked him. Adam and Zayn's fight was nothing to worry about but Zayn and Chris would sure kill each other if no one stopped them.
Zayn held Chris but the collar and pushed him off as Chris chuckled carelessly and smirked at Zayn's actions almost mocking him. "I don't fucking what world we were to live in, you don't go near her ever." Zayn threatened. "Do you understand me? Anyone but you." He spit.
"Alright Zayn lets calm down, he's not worth it." Adam patted Zayn's shoulder but didn't really care as Adam stood beside him, in case either of them tried anything.
Chris took note of Adam's words. "Oh what is this? You two are the best friends now? Wasn't he the one trying to get with your girlfriend-...I mean ex girlfriend?" Chris smirked looking in my direction. "I met you one time man, you don't know me." Chris defended himself directing those words at Adam.
"I don't know you." Adam admitted. "But you know Jackie very well, I don't know what your problem with her is, but you leave her alone, and I mean it." Adam defended Jackie's absence. "I'm not going to let you torment my girlfriend, for your liking".
"What?" Zayn questioned. "What are you talking about?" He glanced at his brother.
"Your girlfriend? Jackie is actually with someone like you?" Chris laughed, and I could tell Adam was growing angry. "Based on the kind of girl Jackie is and the type of guys that are always after her, I didn't think you'd be one to catch one of her many interests." Chris only added fuel to the fire.
"Leave him the fuck alone." Zayn said, surprised at his own words, he took a step closer towards Chris. "Don't fucking say another word about Jackie and leave her the fuck alone too, if this is about me, like it always is. I'm right here." Zayn defended. "Say whatever you have to say to me."
Adam stood his ground. "I'm not going to let anyone hurt her and especially not some guy like you." Moving his head side to side. "You've callee Jackie a bunch of degrading names out of her name, watch your fucking mouth, because I will not tolerate it." Adam swears, catching me by surprise again. The takes a lot for Adam to step out of his own element, because he was nothing like Zayn.
Chris chuckles. "Didn't you two hate each other like months ago?" He mentioned. "Now you've created some unusual brotherly bond, friends even."
"He-..." Adam began.
"That's none of your business." Zayn spoke for him. "Like nothing in my life is any of your business yet you insist sticking your fucking nose where it doesn't belong."
Chris holds a smug look on his face and begins backing away. "Whatever Zayn, ever since Selena broke up with you...you've been off the rails." He points at his head, meaning he thought Zayn was crazy.
Zayn clenched his jaw and charges towards him, Adam is quick on his reflexes to pull him back. "Just let him go." Adam suggested as Chris walks off laughing.
Zayn notices and shrugs Adam off. "Stay away from him." He direct his attention towards me. "I mean it." He says.
"I know you've had your problems with him but it's done nothing to me." I move my head side to side.
Adam goes to say something but Zayn stops him. "Again, no one asked or cares."
Adam rolls his eyes. "I was just going to say that I agree" He glances over at Zayn and then directs his attention at me again. "He doesn't seem to have good intentions, and Jackie slapped him across the face because he called her out her name, he said some really rude and nasty things to her." Adam mentions.
"I care what he thinks." Zayn smiles proudly and pats Adam on the back as he eyes him weirdly. "If you're not going to take my advice, fine." Zayn said. "But I'm not the only one who feels the same way about Chris, as you can see." He motions towards Adam.
Never in a lifetime did I think I would see Zayn and Adam standing hand in hand with each other in agreement. "Thanks for defending me." Adam smiles.
"Don't get used to it." Zayn rolled his eyes.
Lucy's Point of View

I sat around the study hall, working on some material for class. For the past week or so my life has been hectic. Ashely and Vanessa has distanced themselves from me after the encounter I had with Selena a day or two ago. However I could careless, as long as I had the advantage, here, I was slowly getting Zayn back for everything he didn't to me. To everyone I was painted the bad guy of this story, but no one ever considered my feelings, it was always about Zayn. It always had been about him and I was getting sick of it.
I just wanted Zayn to feel my wrath and as well as Selena for ever setting he eyes on Zayn. In the beginning I was hoping it would end the way Zayn ended things with me, I thought sooner or later, he was going to pull a fast one on her and cheat on her with Jackie. Those two were stuck together like glue, and I was never about to get Zayn to see Jackie for what she truly was. If anything, she was one of many reasons why Zayn and I could never work out. Though Jackie and Zayn will claim they had nothing going on while Zayn and I were dating, but I didn't believe any of it.
To this day I regret aborting my child, due to my father's wishes because according to him it was going to ruin my life, it had ruined my life. My father never thought Zayn was good for me anyway, so having a child of his at the time would have only sent him over the edge. However if Zayn and I were still together we would probably be happy with our child, if I didn't let my father get into my head. Then, I was young, dumb and naive. When I saw how great Selena and Zayn were going, it enraged me, because she was everything to him that I could never be, at least to him.
Zayn and I did have problems but it was nothing, that couldn't be fixed. However, when I found out he wasted no time in getting between Jackie's legs, nothing was ever the same. I was hurt and I wanted to hurt him ten times worse. I loved him like I had never loved any one in my life and he had dropped me as soon as he could. My love for him grew into anger, from then on, even though I'll admit part of me wished we were still with each other the way things should have always been.
Even though last semester Zayn begged and begged me to get back together with him because he was still very much in love with me, I refused. I would not as long as he had Jackie by his side. I didn't think he would move on that quickly, especially with Selena. Out of all the girls on this damn campus, it had to be the one who was my best friend for a very long time and roommate for that matter. I had enough, with Selena and Zayn being together because of that stupid essay project they had in literature but the final straw was when I saw both of them kissing each other a couple of times.
I kept all those enraged feelings and jealous tendencies locked away, because the more and more they grew closer with each other. I knew that when I did tell her the very truth about what Zayn and I once were, it would hurt her ten times worst. I was going to let both of them be happy for as long as I allowed it. Luring Zayn was easy, sleeping with Chris in the early days while Zayn looked desperate for my attention, was the only way for me to ignite that dimmed flame he had for me hidden deep inside.
I knew he would come looking for me, questioning me about everything between Chris and I. It's who Zayn was. He had walked into the lions den, and once our skin touched, it would reignited the feeling enough for him to become addicted once again, like he has always been. I lied about not knowing that Chris was his friend, but I knew there would always be doubt in his head about it. It only angered him knowing that Chris stood by his side in the time he was "consolidating" him while he fucked me behind his back. Chris hopped on the opportunity, if he knew he could get back at Zayn any way he could.
I reached for my sandwich, and took a bite out of it, and rolled my eyes when I noticed Jackie coming my way. She looked like she was coming from class, I stood up and began packing my things, not wanting to acknowledge her presence. Putting my backpack over my shoulder and making my way out of the sitting area, Jackie managed to grab my arm pulling me back.
"Let go of me." I said snatching myself away from her grasp.
"You're not going any fucking where, until you tell me what the fuck you put in his drink that night." She said pointing at me angrily.
I chuckled and rolled my eyes. "Nothing" I lifted my shoulders carelessly. "Zayn wanted to sleep with me, that night." I smirked.
"Lucy I know you." She argued. "I know what you're capable of." She said. "You might have Selena fooled but you don't have me, you are literally a fucking demon."
I rolled my eyes. "Believe what you want."
She grabbed my by my arm, and gripped tightly, "Listen to me you fucking bitch" she said angrily her face inches from mine. "I've had it to here with you, I'm this close to beating your fucking ass. You know that the need to do so, is very much alive. It has been for a very long time." She said angrily, squeezing the pressure on my arm.
I chuckled. "I'm no going to tell you shit." I said to her my laughter dying down. "I have all of you fooled, you Selena, and Zayn." I smirked. "Maybe I did put something in his drink, maybe I didn't, maybe he wanted to sleep with me willingly, maybe he didn't." I lifted my shoulders carelessly. "You will never know." I emphasized.
She let me go in frustration. "Watch yourself, because Selena may have too much fucking dignity but I don't." She said angrily.
"It's not like you ever did." I trail my eyes down her frame.
"One of these days I'm going to get revenge on every single on you owe me." She threatens. "You made my life fucking tell for absolutely no fucking reason." She says.
"You deserve every bit of it, for being the sole reason Zayn and I didn't work out." I remind her.
"Are you fucking crazy? You both we're done!" She exclaims. "The relationship was over, get that through your head!" She exclaims. "If he saw right through you was because he finally realized what a fucking witch you are!" She adds. "Not only to him, me, but his family!"
I roll my eyes. "I don't have to stand here and take any of this because compared to me you don't even have parents to love you-..." I says.
Jackie raised her hand in the arm to slap me across the face, but I caught her by the wrist. "You little bitch-..."
I smirked. "Jackie you may be pretty, have all these college guys wrapped around your finger turning heads wherever you go, hell you can always have Zayn playing in your corner. None it matters knowing in the end, because you're always going to be alone. Everyone in high school knew your father was a drunk who couldn't keep a stable job and your mother was a high functioning pill addict, popping one in everyday to forget all the shit your dad was putting her through. They never loved you."
Unable contain her emotions, her eyes began to get watery. "Fuck you." She said coldly and walked off.
I was making my way out of the study hall and on my way back to my dorm when I began to get slightly dizzy, my legs gave out for a slight second and luckily I was able to hold myself up because of the wall. I stood up straight holding around to see if anyone caught notice, and no one seemed to notice, as college bodies walked back and forth in and out of the building.
"Lucy are you alright?" I noticed it was Chris, making his way in my direction. "What's wrong? You look pale." He said.
I said nothing a felt something in my throat. "I think I'm going to be sick-..." I said and ran across the hall into the girls restroom.
Pushing past college girls, who were making their way out of the restroom, I pushed the stall door open, and fell to my knees throwing up in the toilet. "Fuck." I said to myself.
"Are you alright?" Chris questioned from outside, as his voice echoed inside the walls of the restroom.
"No Chris, does it sound like I'm alright?" I said annoyingly.
I stood up and grabbed a paper towel and wet it with water patting my mouth and face. I tossed it out and walked myself out of the restroom where Chris stood outside leaning against the wall beside the restroom.
"You look pale as hell." He chuckles.
I roll my eyes. "I was fine...I don't know what happened." I lifted my shoulders carelessly. "Is it possible someone's presence could make you physically sick?"
He looks at me strangely. "Why do you say that?" He questions with a chuckle.
"Because Jackie confronted me today, that fucking bitch is even more annoying than when I first met her." I say annoyingly.
"You didn't tell her anything did you?" He grows concerned. "She would beat a confession out of you if she could." He said.
"No, I'm not fucking stupid." I say to him with a sarcastic tone. "Maybe it was her cheap ass perfume that made me sick." I scrunch my nose. "Or the sandwich I had?" I question the possibilities.
"Or you're pregnant." Chris suggests.
My eyes widen. "Pregnant?" I question the possibility.
Jackie's Point of View

 𝘚𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘴 𝘋𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦  «Zaylena»Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang