Chapter 31: Goodbye, Braden

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Claire's P.O.V.

"Braden." I say putting my hand on his shoulder. He doesn't react at all. I thought he would be happy, or at least relieved. But he had been staring at the ground with wide eyes ever since the cops left.

"Braden. Please talk to me." I say.

"I-I-I can't believe he's actually g-gone." He says.

"I know this is hard for you but," I say but he cuts me off.

"No! No you don't! Stop acting like you know what I'm going through, because you don't!!! Just stop!!!" he yells at me as he stands up.

"I'm sorry." I say.

"And stop apologizing!!! Everything's not your fault! Just stop!!! You make me feel like crap every time you apologize for something I did, when I know good and well I did it!!! Just stop, it drives me crazy!! You drive me crazy!!! And not in the good way!!! You drive me insane!!! I wish we never met!!!!" he yells. When he says he wishes we'd never met, that's when I start to tear up. My eyes cloud with tears. I know he's having a hard time, I just didn't know he feels like that. When he finishes he gets a look of regret almost immediately. He sits down and tries to touch my shoulder, but I stand up right before he touches me.

"I'm sorry I make you feel like that. I'll just go." I say as I start to walk towards the front door. He starts to follow me and I turn around.

"Goodbye, Braden." I say and a tear falls down my cheek. He needs time to think and pull himself together, and I am holding him back. I turn and walk out the front door. I walk back to my house.

"Hi sweetie." my mom says.

"Hi mom." I say standing behind a chair so she can't see my side.

"How's Braden?" she asks.

"He' it's complicated. I'm just giving him time to think." I say. I feel the tears coming.

"Ok?" she says.

"I'm gonna go up. I'm tired." I say.

"Ok. Goodnight." She says.

"G'night." I say.

I go upstairs and I close my door. I go straight to my bed and lay on my stomach, I grab a pillow and put it under my chin. I wrap my arms around the pillow and I begin to cry. My eyes cloud up and I blink, making the tears fall. A small sob escapes and more tears fall down. I can't believe Braden said that. He just needs to calm down. But it still hurt. My phone rings. It's Braden. I debate whether or not to answer.

I don't. I just let my phone ring until it eventually stops.

He just needs to cool down, we both need to calm down. But I can't. He said he wishes he never met me. How can he mean that after all we've been through? If that's how he feels then I'll stay out of his way. That's when more tears fall down my face and another sob escapes my lips. I lay there, until I cry myself to sleep.

~~~~~~~~in the morning~~~~~~~

"Claire!!!" my mom yells from downstairs, waking me up.

"What?!?" I yell.

"Braden's here!!!" she yells. I don't want to see him. My eyes feel puffy, and that's not why I don't want to see him. He said he wishes he never met me. You don't say that and not mean it.

I open my door and see Braden, when he sees me his whole body perks up. He must see my puffy eyes because he then looks really sad.

"I'm busy. I'll call you later." I say to Braden.

"Please I just," he says, but I cut him off.

"Bye, Braden." I say and turn around and close my door. And I start to cry again, harder. I bury my face in a pillow and cry. I hear a knock on my door.

"Braden go away." I say, with the sound of crying in my voice.

"I just need to explain." He says.

I open my door and see him standing there. I put my hand on my right hip, above the place where I was stabbed.

"You don't need to explain. You wish you never met me, I understand. I'll just stay out of your way." I say with tears slipping down my face.

"You know that's not true," he says trying to hug me. But I back away and cut him off.

"Please." I say backing farther away.

"Just give me 5 minutes. Then I'll leave you alone." He says.

"I'm sorry." I say closing the door but he sticks his arm in and grabs my waist, right where I was hurt.

"Aaaahhhh!!!" I scream and I fall to my knees.

"Claire!" he says kneeling down to me.

"Don't you think you've done enough?!? You tell me you wish you never met me, and now your hurting me even more! Please, if you don't want to see me that's fine, just don't act like you care." I say looking up at him with tears in my eyes.

"I didn't mean what I said. I was mad, frustrated, confused. Please, you have to believe me." He says putting his hand on the side of my face.

"I wish I could." I say taking his hand off.

"Claire. I love you. You know how much I love you, you know I would never try and hurt you. I didn't mean what I said, I was stupid for even thinking it. You are the best thing that ever happened to me, and you drive me crazy in the best way possible. You are amazing, you've helped me when no one else would, and I know I could live 10 lifetimes and never deserve you. You have to know that." He says.

"Braden," I say but he cuts me off.

"That's all. I'll leave you alone now." He says standing up.

"You said you'd never leave me again." I say before he walks out of the door.

"What?" he asks looking back.

"You said you'd never leave me again. What are you doing right now?" I ask.

"I-I'm...leaving." He says looking down.

"I said I'd give you one more chance." I say.

He turns around slowly and walks over to me and pulls me up by my arms. Once I stand up I am looking into his eyes. His hands are now on my rib cage. I quickly pull his mouth to mine and he kisses back. We both pull back at the same time.

"I'm sorry. I'm so so so sorry. I never meant to hurt you. And I never will again." He says putting his forehead to mine.

"Good." I say.

"I love you." He says.

I smile and say "I love you too."



It's a short chapter, I know. I'm going to be super busy tonight, so I'm updating now.

Lemme know what you think!

Be happy!


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