Chapter 11: Well this is awkward

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I have been sitting beside Braden for 20 minutes. He is dead asleep. Is face is relaxed. His lips are parted just a little and his bare chest is rising and falling. I realize I have been in the same clothes for 2 days and they are bloody.

I told my parents I was sleeping over at Margaret's. So I'm gonna have to go home today. So I let go of his hand, grab my things and get ready to leave. But I decide to leave a note just in case he wakes up while I'm gone.

I went home for a little bit to grab more clothes and tell my parents I'm going over to another friends house. I will be right back. Call me if you need me. ~Claire

I hope he doesn't wake up while I'm gone. I climb to my room and grab a bag full of clothes. I run downstairs and tell my parents I came home after they fell asleep and I didn't want them to worry. I also tell them I am going over to my other friends house. They say ok and I change into different clothes after I take a quick shower. I put more clothes in my bag and tell them I'll spend the night but I'll be back by Monday night because we have school off. They say ok and I walk out the front door.

I climb up the tree to Braden's room and I jump in. He is still asleep. It's 10:00 so he probably needs to be up anyway.

I go over to him and sit down. I grab his hand with my right hand and put my left hand on his head. I start to gently stroke his forehead and he takes a deep breath and opens his eyes. He looks a lot better today. Probably all the rest he's gotten.

He smiles and looks around his room and sees the note I left on his night stand. I take it and put it in my pocket.

"Hey." I say with a smile.


"How are you feeling?" I ask. Hoping for a good answer.

"A lot better." thank goodness he said that.

"Is it ok if I look?" I say pointing to his stomach.


I take of all of the bandages and I am shocked by what I see.

"Oh my god." I say

"What? Is it bad?"

"No. Braden you look amazing." I say shocked.

"Why thank you." he says puffing his chest out.

"No that's not what I mean." I say with a smile

His wounds are merely just small scrapes by now. There are two small ones right across his chest and one long one that goes around his stomach.

"Braden, you are doing so much better!"

He looks at me. We are face to face. His eyes are so close to me. They look like they are blue with a ring of green around them. They are so beautiful.

He sees my wet hair. Crap! I forgot to dry it.

He reaches his hand out and touches my wet hair.

"Are you ok?" he asks

"Yeah I'm fine. I just went home for 20 minutes while you were sleeping to take a shower, get new clothes, and tell my parents I was at another friends house."

"That makes sense." He lifts up one arm and smells his armpit and makes a face of pure disgust.

"Woo. I think I might need a shower." he says as he puts his arm down. I can tell it hurts because he face changes for a brief second.

I grab his arm and set it down gently.

"Yes. Yes you do." I say plugging my nose.

"Do you think I could try?" he asks

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