Chapter 29: No I'm Not

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Claire's P.O.V.

I jolt awake to my head hitting my shoulder. I look around Braden's room, there's basketball posters everywhere. You can barely see the blue paint on the walls, I look to my right and see that on Braden's night stand there's a picture of me. Me. And next to it is his alarm clock and a lamp. I feel something on my lap. I look down and see that Braden's body is bent at the waist and his head is on the pillow in my lap, his face away from me. I am on the edge of the bed so he has more room to spread out. I put my hand on the back of his head and move my thumb gently across it. He eventually moves, only a little bit. He turns onto his back, which makes his legs fall off of the bed. His face is now up and I can see it, and I can see his stomach. The bandages aren't red, which is good. I don't want to wake him up. I just keep rubbing his head until he opens his beautiful eyes, about 10 minutes later.

"Hey." I say smiling weakly.

"H..." he says before dozing off again, which makes me laugh quietly. A few minutes later he opens his eyes again.

"Hey." I say again.

"Hey." he says.

"How are you doing?" I ask, still rubbing his head.

"Fi..." he says dozing off again.

I decide to just let him sleep. He needs it. I pull out my phone and text my mom.

Where are you? - Mom

I'm at Braden's. - Me

All night? - Mom

Yes. He's feeling a little down. I just want to cheer him up. -Me

Ok! Have fun! - Mom

I look down at Braden and he is still asleep. His bare chest rising and falling, with his legs hanging off the bed. I carefully pick up the pillow and set it down. I stand up and go grab the chair I used to push Braden to his bed. I push the chair over to Braden and I carefully lift his legs and set them down on the chair, so he can be more comfortable. I go back to the other side of Braden's bed and carefully lift the pillow, along with his head, back onto my lap. Braden hasn't reacted once to anything that just happened. I begin to rub his forehead gently, and a few minutes later he opens his eyes again.

"Hey." I say softly and still rubbing his forehead.

"Hey." he says.

"Well look who can actually say a word!" I say in a little baby voice.

"What?" he asks with a confused look on his face.

"You don't remember?" I ask laughing.

"Remember what?" he asks, I break out laughing.

"You woke up twice, the first time you tried to say hey, and the second time you tried to say fine." I say.

"Oh." he says smiling.

"How are you feeling?" I ask.

"Better." He says.

"Good." I say rubbing his head.

"You're amazing, you know?" he says.

"No I'm not." I say shaking my head. And I'm not. I'm quiet, shy, and weird.

"Yes you are." He says.

"No I'm not." I say.

"Yes you are." He says.

"No I'm not." I say.

"Yes. You. Are." He says. He reaches up and puts his hand on my face. His thumb in front of my ear, the rest of his hand on my neck. And he pulls me down to him. He presses his lips to mine, making me melt. I kiss back, but it's kind of awkward. He is on my lap, but I don't care. I put my hand on the side of his head as we kiss. I pull back when he moans. I look down at him and then I look at his stomach. His stomach is red.

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