Chapter 4: Its ok

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*The same day*

I arrive at the cafeteria and sit down with my friends.

"Hey guys." I say with a smile across my face.

"What's up with you, Claire?" asks my friend Margaret.

"Oh nothing."

Margaret gives me a look and then let's it go. I look over my shoulder and see Braden.

I smile and Margaret gives me a confused look and asks me what I'm so happy about. I tell her the whole story from Mr. Clear's class. She gets so excited for me.

But then it happens.

A fire drill.

The siren blares in by ear and everyone stands up at once and rushes out the small doors. Where I sit is in the back of the cafeteria. Braden's table is behind mine so he is farther from the door than I am.

Margaret and I stand up and join the big crowd of people. But Margaret is pushed and goes ahead of me. Everybody is so pushed together that I began to trip on my own feet so I don't hit other people.

I hear Braden and his friends behind me talking.

"Do it," one of his friends say.

"It's not that big of a deal," they say.

Then the next thing I know I feel a foot behind mine and I am on the floor. I hit my head and it sends a shooting pain through my entire body, and causes the edges of my vision to go black. I can't focus on what I see.

I know no one will help me so I begin so stand up. But my wrist can't support my weight. I immediately fall back down. But then, I see someone walk towards me. I assume it's Margaret. But it's not.

It's him.

He kneels down beside me and looks into my eyes.

"Are you okay? My friends are idiots. I'm sorry about them." He says.

"Umm...yeah I'm okay."

" you need help standing up?"


I sit up and I am sitting on my butt. He grabs my hands and pulls me up. But when he pulls on my left wrist a sharp pain shoots through my whole arm and I wince.

"Woah! Are you sure you're okay?"

" wrist hurts really bad."

"God. I'm gonna kill my friends. Here let me try this." Braden bends down again, he pulls on my right arm and stands up with me. But when I am about to fall back down again from losing my balance he grabs my waist.

He looks into my eyes. Man, those eyes. They are the color of the sky. They're beautiful.

I gain my balance and let go of his hand to support my wrist. But he leaves his hand on my waist. Which surprises me.

"Are you okay now?" he asks.

"Yeah." I say.

"Are you sure? Did you hit your head when you fell?" he says reaching for where I hit my forehead. His hand is on my head, and his thumb gently runs over the exact spot where I hit my head. I'm assuming it's red because he is touching exactly where I hit my head.

"Um...yeah I did. It kinda hurts."

"Do you know your name?"


"Claire what?"

"Claire Foster."

"Good. I just wanted to make sure you don't have a concussion."

There's an awkward silence. But I gain the guts to say

"I'm gonna go to the nurse."

"Here let me help you." he says with concern in his voice.

"It's okay. I got it." And I start to walk away.

I am halfway to the door when I begin to get really dizzy. I get really light headed. Braden must see me because the next thing I know his hand is on my waist and the other is supporting my right elbow.

"Claire! Claire! Can you hear me?" he is yelling.

My eyes are drooping. I can feel it. And I can't see all of Braden.

"Yes. I can hear you." I say with a laziness in my voice.

"I'm going to help you." He says

"No. It's okay. You can go back with your friends. I'm fine." I say.

"You think I'm going to keep being friends with them after what they did? I'm going to help you, and there's nothing you can do about it." he says with a smile.

"Okay. Thanks."

And he helps to the nurse. Keeping his hand on my waist the whole time.



So what did you think?

I kinda liked this one!

Be happy!


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