Chapter 3: This cant be happening

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*The same day*

When I get into social studies class I see no one I know. Great! But then I take another look.

He's here.

Just another thing to make this day even better!

My teacher, Mr. Clear, finally gives us our seating chart after two days of school.

"Emily, Jack, Claire, and..."

My hear begins to race. Not Braden. Not Braden. Please not Braden. I think to myself.

"And Cole."

I let out a puff of air when Cole is called. You see, most teenage girls would LOVE to have their crush sit at their table. But not me. I wouldn't even call my relationship with Braden a "crush". It's more like a "I care about you and you don't know I exist" kind of relationship.

Mr. Clear continues and there's only one table left and one person left.


Mr. Clear gets up in front of the class and says.

"Since Braden is alone, would anyone like to move to sit with him?"

And, of course, every girl in the class raises their hand immediately. Except me. Mr. Clear looks around the room, and he knows better than to put a guy to sit with Braden. So that means there's a 1/12 chance I will get picked. Mr. Clear looks me in the eye and says.

"Jackie. You sit with Braden."

Jackie gets up and screams


All of the other girls moan and groan.

"I have changed my mind. Someone else will sit with Braden."

Why does Mr. Clear hate me?

"Uuuuummmm......." Mr. Clear literally takes the worlds longest pause before he says the name.

My name.

I look up with wide eyes and red cheeks.

"Claire. You sit with Braden."

Great! Just great! (Note sarcasm.) I stand up and grab my things and walk over to where Braden is sitting.

I put down my books and he says

"Hey. You're Claire right?"

"Um yeah."

He then smiles and laughs while saying

"Nice shirt."

I look down, embarrassed of course, and say...

"Nice shirt yourself."

We both start laughing and turn around for the rest of the lesson.



What did you think? This chapter was definitely longer. Is longer good?

There was more dialogue in this chapter.

Do you like the dialogue? Or should I keep it more of just Claire's thoughts? personally I kinda like dialogue. But I'll do whatever y'all want!

Be happy!


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