Chapter 24: Pushing Buttons

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Braden's P.O.V

I walk to school alone. I am really worried about Claire, she isn't acting like herself. I spend my time thinking of Claire and I get to school before I know it. I walk through the front doors and go to class.

~~~~~end of the day~~~~~~

The final bell rings and I stand up and walk out the front doors. I need to see Claire, see if she's ok, I just need to see her. As I am walking out the front doors and I see someone by the flag pole. I can't tell who it is, but they're staring at me. Once I reach them I see that it's Max.

"Where's Claire?" Max asks giving me a smirk.

I ignore him and walk past him. I'm not going to let him get to me. It's his fault Claire is hurt.

"Where's Claire?" he asks again putting his arm across my shoulders like its natural.

I ignore him and keep walking.

"Oh, is she hurt?" He asks. He's trying to push my buttons. I turn around out my hand on his chest.

"Stop it man. Just stop."

"Why should I? I already got her out of the way." he says smirking.

Ok. Now he's pissing me off. He's trying to pick a fight. And he's going to get it if he keeps talking about Claire like that.

"Stop it man." I say.

"No." he says and punches me in the head. I see stars and I walk away. Claire wouldn't want me to fight him. I turn around because I don't hear Max behind me anymore, and when I do Max hits me in the eye, and I fall to the ground. Max kicks me repeatedly and I finally stand up and run away with a sharp pain in my head.

When I reach Claire's house I realize I can't go in there looking like this. I bet my eye is black and my clothes and hair are messed up. So I go home and fix my hair and clothes, but I have a red mark on my eye and jaw where Max hit me. I can't go to Claire's! She would be suspicious, and I don't want her to worry. But I can't just not show up, that would also get her worried.

I don't know what I'm going to do!

I decide to go over and hope she doesn't notice. I walk over and knock on the door. Claire's mom answers.

"Hi Mrs. Foster. Can I see Claire?" I ask.

"She's actually asleep right now. But you can wake her up."

"I just want to know how she's doing." I say.

"She's doing just fine. It's really not that big of a deal to wake her up, she probably needs to be up anyway. Come on in." She says.

I walk inside and go to the living room which is a little ways from the front door. I see Claire on the couch, laying down, eyes closed, lips closed, beautiful. I kneel down next to her and I say her name. She doesn't respond, so I hold her hand and rub her forehead. She moves her neck and opens her eyes.

"Hey." I say smiling.

"Hey." she says back.

"How are you feeling?"

"Better." She says.

"Good." I say.

She looks at me and her face changes, she looks confused.

"What happened to you?" she asks.


"Don't lie to me." She says.

"It was Max. He was talking to me about you and I lost it. He hit me first and then he continued to hit me. I took it, like you took it for me." I say.

"I can't believe that happened. I'm sorry." She says placing her hand on my neck.

"Don't be. It's not your fault." I say back.

She takes her hand off my head and I help her set it down.

"You need to get some rest. I'll see you tomorrow." I say kissing the top of her head.

"Be careful." She says.

"Bye." I stand up and leave.



So I did Braden's POV!!!!

What do you think of Braden's POV?

Lemme know!

Be happy!


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