Chapter 9: No. No. No.

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*2 days later*

I still can't believe Braden asked me out.

He hasn't told me what we are going to do. All I know is that our date is tomorrow.

Now that I think about it, Braden hasn't been talking to me a lot lately. Oh my god, I am turning into one of those overprotective girlfriends. Wait, I'm not his girlfriend. We haven't even gone on one date.

~~~~~~tomorrow after school~~~~~

Tonight is my date with Braden! I'm not sure if I'm excited. But, I'm more nervous than anything.

I don't know where we are going so I don't dress too fancy. I put on my dark blue skinny jeans, white long sleeve shirt, a teal scarf, wear my hair straightened, and top it off with my black boots.

I hear my phone vibrate from my room so I go back in and look at it. It's a text.

From him.

Hey. I am so sorry but I'm gonna have to take a rain check on our date. Is that ok? I'm so sorry. - Braden

Oh. My. God.

I don't know what to think.

Is everything ok? -Me

Yes. I just forgot that I have a family thing tonight. -Braden

Ok. Yeah. That's fine. -Me

He's lying. Braden never cancels a date. Unless he just needs a way to get out of one. He cancelled so he doesn't have to be seen with me. Of course! I can't believe I liked him for one second.

But then, I hear it.

The scream.

Not mine. Not my parent's. Not my brother's.

It's his.

What? How can it be his? I would know that voice anywhere. It is his. But where is it coming from?

I hear it again. A bloodcurdling scream. It sends a chill down my spine. I just need one more scream and I'll know where it's coming from.

I hear it. It's coming door.

What? Next door?

I run outside to listen again. Yup it's coming from next door. Wait?!? Braden lives next door? Since when?

I see, who I assume is his dad, leave. With a belt in his hand.

Oh my god. No! Did he do what I think he did?

I go and knock on the door. And his mom answers.

"Hi. I'm one of Braden's friends. Is he here?" I ask as innocently as I can.

"Um no. He said he was going on a date tonight. But I'll tell him you stopped by." she says. But when she says he was going on a date her voice cracked. Like she knew he wasn't gone.

"Okay. Thanks." and I go back home.

I go home and call Braden. He answers.

"Hey Claire." his voice sounds strained and weak.

"Hey Braden."

"What's up?" he sounds so weak.

"Are you okay? You don't sound good."

"I'm going to be honest with you right now." he says. Sounding weaker and weaker.

"Okay?" I'm nervous.

"Look out your window."

I do. I see his room. And his hand waving at me.

"Can you climb over here on that tree?" he is so weak right now.

"Yeah. I'll be there in a minute."

I tell my parents the date is back on and that I'm leaving.

I climb out my window and I'm on the limb that gets me right to Braden's window.

I jump in his window and see him.

He's on his back. Barely conscious. Belt whips all over his stomach. Blood everywhere. I get down on my knees and place his head on them.

"Oh my god. Braden who did this to you?" I am so worried.

"My dad. He's done this ever since I was little."

"Why?" Wait. I need him not to talk. I can tell it hurts him.

"He says I'm not a good kid. I need to get better grades. And..." he coughs and closes his eyes.

"No. No. No. Braden. Look at me." I say as I stroke his hair gently.

His eyes flutter open.

"You've lost too much blood. Hold on." I take my scarf off and dab his stomach lightly. He winces and groans lightly.

"I'm sorry did I hurt you?"

"It's okay."

I continue to work. I dab his chest and stomach until all of the extra blood is off. He tells me there's a first aid kit in his bath room. I gently lift up his head and set a pillow under it. I grab the first aid kit and use the disinfectant cream and put large bandages all over his chest.

Woah. He looks good without a shirt. I never really noticed because I was helping him. He has a six pack and toned pecks.

"Thank you so much, Claire." he says. He still sounds so weak. His eyes barely open.

"You're welcome. Are you feeling better?"

"I am now." he grabs my hand and hold it tight.

I see that his pillow is flat so I pick it up and slip my knees right under his head. My face is right above his. I look into his eyes and see he is in pain.

"Are you sure you're okay? You need to get some rest."

"Yes I'm okay. Thank you." he squeezes my hand and holds it tight. But eventually his grip loosens and his face becomes relaxed.



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Be happy!


Him.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora