Chapter 35: This is so cheesy

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Claire's P.O.V. (The next day)

Today is Saturday, and I don't plan sitting around all day moping in my pajamas eating ice cream. I want to get out of the house. I get dressed in denim shorts, and a teal t shirt. I go to the garage and get on my bike. I just want to ride around and clear my head.

I ride down the path that leads to Jordan's. I stop there and grab a drink, and I just ride around that general area. I stop at the park and sit on the bench. I get lost looking at the grass. It is swaying back and forth gently in the wind. It is very green, and in some places it is squished from where people walk on it. I feel someone sit down next to me. I look over and see Max.

"Hey. Are you ok?" he asks.

"I-I-I, no." I say dropping my head.

"What happened?" he asks. I lose control and start to cry. When he sees me cry he puts his arms around me and I bury my face in his chest.

"B-Braden c-cheated on m-me." I stutter as I pull my hands to my body.

"Seriously?" he asks.

"Y-Yeah." I say.

"You wanna get your mind off of it?" he asks.

"Yeah." I say looking up. From here I can see the freckles around his nose. I could never see them from far away. His head is pretty circular and he has dark brown hair that matches his eyes, and he is about as tall as Braden.

"Come on." He says standing up and holding his hand out. I look up and see his face with a smirk. I take his hand and stand up. I go over to my bike and walk it next to us as we walk in silence.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"There's a carnival in town. Wanna go?" he asks looking at me.

"Sure." I say nodding my head. We walk the short way to the carnival. It's not a huge place, but it looks fun.

"Here. Let me take it." He says taking my bike and leaving it by the bike rack. We walk over to the ticket counter and there's a boy there in a ridiculous hat.

"Welcome to Fun World. How may I help you?" he asks in monotone.

"20 tickets please." Max says.

"Here you are. Have fun." The ticket guy says as Max gives him the money.

"I'll pay you back." I say.

"Don't worry about it." He says.

We walk over to the ring toss game, you have to get 3 rings on the bottles and you win a prize. I try and get 2 rings, so I don't win anything.

"So close!" I say when 3rd ring bounces off the bottle.

"Let me try." Max says as he gives the guy tickets.

Max lands the first 2 rings and he takes a deep breath and throws the third ring. It stays.

"Congratulations! You win a prize!" The guy says sarcastically.

"I want the panda." Max says. The guy grabs the huge panda from above his head. Max looks at me with a smirk.

"Here." He says handing me the panda.

"That is so cheesy." I say laughing.

"Do you want it or not?" he asks.

"Sure." I say laughing. I take the panda and realize that it's about the same size as me. But it really soft and cute.

"Ooh. There's a good ride." He says pointing to the ring of fire. It's just a circle that's 7 feet tall, and you just go around it. Max grabs the pandas hand and drags me along with it. We get to the ride and before I know it we are getting strapped in. The ride starts by gently moving back and forth and eventually goes in a full circle a couple of times. And mad is screaming more than I am. I end up laughing at Max more than I scream.

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