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"i think stars represent the hope in our lives. it brings light to the night sky. a path for us to look up to. stars are in every culture, it's magical," mark spoke as he looked around everyone in the room.

the girls sighed at his answer and started a round of applause.

mark sat back down in his seat next to donghyuck.

"that was good."

mark replied with a thumbs up.

his desire for english was never ending. he loved it so very much. it helped him discover a whole world and broadened his knowledge. he loved the feeling of coming up with ideas that were different and unique. he loved that there wasn't just one answer but multiple.

"thank you mark. donghyuck, would you like to go next?" mrs choi asked.

he nodded as he stood up from his seat. a loud screech entered the silence. his heart was pounding in his chest.

"i believe stars are life cycle. they represent forever life. they live up to many years but can die in second. it starts over again. new star, death and birth of new star. they fixed in sky. always there. that's magic stars."

donghyuck never did well in english. however when mark was fluent, he tried his best to understand him.

a small round applause from mark was heard in the dead silent class.

donghyuck felt sad that no one cheered him on like mark did.

however what he didn't know was that the whole class was stunned how deeply touched they were.

- - - - - - - - -

donghyuck silently read his book in the large crowd of people huddling around mark.

"mark hyung! we missed you!" chenle squealed.

"thanks guys! i missed you too. come one, let's go eat lunch."

mark wrapped his arms around donghyuck's shoulder and led him to the tables.

he didn't want him to feel left out.

he closed his book and gave him a small smile saying that he was fine.

"do you want to come over to my place to look at my photos and books?" mark asked.

donghyuck grinned and eagerly nodded.

then he was excited for the rest of the day.

a whole full afternoon about stars.

- - - - - - - -

"i want to go to new zealand so bad," donghyuck said as he flipped through the pages.

mark and donghyuck were lying on the bed side by side with a pile of photos and books. the close proximity made mark shiver.

donghyuck stood up and pushed away the books and photos.

"can i borrow some clothes? it's really uncomfortable," donghyuck asked.

mark nodded as he opened his closet to find a black tshirt and sweatpants. he threw them at donghyuck.

what he wasn't expecting was donghyuck to change in front of him.

donghyuck unbuttoned his shirt and smoothly put on the shirt giving mark a full view of his muscles.

mark didn't expect him to have muscles.

he slid off his pants and put on the soft sweatpants. donghyuck was engulfed in mark's scent. he liked his clothes.

"you should let me borrow your clothes all the time. its so comfortable."

mark liked the look of him in his clothes. he was adorable. he nodded as he stared at haechan.

"let me sleep here for a while. i can never sleep with the family downstairs fighting all the time," haechan sighed as he fell back on mark's bed.

mark got onto the bed and lied down next to him. his heart was beating uncontrollably.

donghyuck noticed the stiffness in mark's body and grabbed his hand.

"i can leave if you feel uncomfortable."

"no. stay."

they never released their hands from their sleep. their hands were intertwined like earphones in a mess.

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