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when the moon is not full, the stars shine brighter

donghyuck closed his book gently and placed it on the table. he sighed as looked out the window. 

how could he see the stars when he could barely see the moon?

he didn't belong here. the polluted air allured through day and night. clouds that covered up the true beauty of life.

he believed that too in korea. 

personalities, attitudes and appearance covered up their true selves.

however, clouds can never disappear that quickly. it's all part of nature. 

appearance was part of their nature too. it was the norm.

he breathed slowly as he took off his glasses and slowly drifted off to sleep with the muffled screams and shouts from the family down below.

- - - - - - 

he opened his eyes as he jumped out of bed. 

he immediately brushed his teeth as he hated morning breath. 

after he got ready, he left the house silently.

"donghyuck! did you know mark is coming back?" jeno squealed

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

"donghyuck! did you know mark is coming back?" jeno squealed.

mark? who was that? donghyuck thought.

his puzzled face answered jeno's question.

"do you remember minhyung?"

oh, him.

"the smart intellectual? the one who participated in everything?" donghyuck asked.

jeno nodded.

donghyuck had only talked to him in occasions like art or english class. 

the occasional smile or wave in the hallways. he was so bright and gave this certain aura yet in english he was completely different. haechan could only speak very broken english. but then, all of his english class couldn't speak the foreign language very well.

mark had spoken about deep subjects and his passion for writing was seen by everybody. he had the mind no one could have. he raised up points that made people wonder. even with broken english minds, everyone could understand and relate to him. top of the class, popular and loved by most.

mark was the sirius of the night sky. he was too bright and shone. he continued to be brighter as sirius did. he was noticed everywhere, he couldn't be ignored. he was one big star. bigger than the sun. 

donghyuck in comparison, was described to be m41. messier 41. an open cluster that was directly below sirius. everything was scattered in his life, nothing was one. he was jumbled and messy all over the place. he had multiple parts of him that were not fully formed. four degrees away from sirius. he was close to sirius, but was never noticed by others. 

he was just seen to be another star in the universe.

"aren't you excited? you talked to him in english and art class. he's finally coming back from canada" jeno grinned nudging haechan's side.

"yeah, i guess."

donghyuck was a very calm and collected person.  he didn't show his emotions very well. he pressed down the excitement to ask mark about the night sky in canada. 

mark loved english.

donghyuck loved astronomy. 

- - - - - - - - - 

"hyuck ah! hey!" mark smiled showing his perfect teeth.

"hello minhyungie hyung!" donghyuck laughed.

"call me mark! anyways, how have you been?" mark asked.

donghyuck gave him a thumbs up.

he didn't want to speak in english. 

he wanted to tell mark so badly that life here was shit. 

he hated the night sky. he wanted to go far away.

"look hyuck! i took photos of the night sky in my hometown with my camera for you."

he was astonished by the beauty. stars everywhere. no blank spot. donghyuck immediately spotted sirius and smiled to himself.

"it's beautiful" he whispered.

mark stared at donghyuck as he replied,

"yeah, beautiful."

"next time, take me, you, me, together?" donghyuck gazed in mark's big eyes.

mark's heart skipped a beat as he nodded slowly.

they had the connection, so even if they didn't speak, they understood everything.

stars didn't need to talk when forming a beautiful view,

distant || markhyuck  ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ