Singing Competition? Oh No, I am doomed!

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Persi's P.O.V.:

I woke up 15 minutes before breakfast and took a quick 5-minute shower. I dressed in a camp tee and some ripped jeans. I pulled my waist long black hair into a ponytail and put my sneakers on and opened the door just in time to here the conch horn. I easily fell into the routine of sacrifice, eat, train.

At lunch where I noticed Apollo sitting with Chiron. When we were done eating Chiron stomped his hoof on the floor to get our attention.

"Okay now that I have your attention Lord Apollo has an announcement to make," the mentor calmly said.

"Thank you, Chiron. Ok, so I have decided to hold a singing competition," groans were heard throughout the hall and mine was the loudest."The rules are," he summoned a paper and started reading it. "at least one person per cabin must compete, and you have to sing two songs: one single, one duet. The duet song, if there is only one in your cabin, will be sung with you and your parent. The cabins participating for sure are the Olympian + Hades cabins and any other cabins willing to participate. The songs can and will be chosen by you and your partner. Songs must relate to you, your parents' domain, or you must really like the song and it symbolizes something to you. I will be here all summer to help you with anything regarding the competition. The contest will be held on the August 6th " With that, he left.

I decided to IM my father after I taught the newer/ younger children. The lesson was helpful for them. I taught the importance of stance and general technique. The lesson lasted about an hour and a half so when I was done I took another quick shower and got dressed in a sea green tee-shirt and shorts. I went to the fountain and tossed a drachma in the mist. " O' Fleecy do me a solid and show me Poseidon most like in Atlantis." My father showed up in the rainbow message talking to Tyson, distracted... I smirked and formed a plan to get my dad's attention quickly.

"Soooo dad whatcha talkin' about?" I calmly asked. My dad yelped in shock and surprise while I laughed.

"Persi! I was about to IM you right now to ask you if you heard about Apollo's contest." My father said after he saw me.

"So you already heard. Anyway, am I singing with you or Tyson?" I asked

My father responded quickly, "Tyson just told me he does not want to participate so you have to deal with me."

I asked another question; "Ok when are you coming over?"

"After dinner," he replied.

I nodded "Do you have any song ideas?" I asked

"Sadly no," he answered. Tyson left at some point in our conversation.

I nodded and after we said goodbye I swiped through the message, cutting off the connection and pulled out my keyboard from my closet. You see after one particular beating when I was 5 I went to my neighbor's apartment and since then I have been playing multiple instruments. I play guitar, piano, drums and many others. My neighbor said I had a talent for singing and playing. Every day I went to her apartment to practice until she died a few years ago. Man the day I found out he was dead was sad. I knocked on his door and his daughter answered and said he was dead. I grieved with her for it felt like he was my family too. We were friends since I went over there daily. We formed a band with a few friends from school, called ourselves The Brokens. Why? Because we had all been through something traumatic. What was my role? Guitar and I was the lead singer. We didn't really make songs, most of the time we sang other songs. I'm getting off track. Dam ADHD. Get it. Dam. Dam it again! Anyway, I started playing Battlefield by SVRCINA.

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