Godly Blessings and Apollo's Love

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So I have a field trip for band on Saturday where I will be going to Disneyland. I live like 4 hours away so Friday I won't be sleeping seeing as I have to be at my school at 4 A.M. so anyway I thought I'd upload today at 11:30 when I should be sleeping because of state testing but who cares I had ideas and they weren't going away.


Warning contains trigger warnings such as self-harm.


"I Zeus, King of Gods, hereby punish you Andy Trent Robles, son of Athena, for the crime of rape. Your punishment is..."


Third person's P.O.V.:

"1 year in Tartarus while being full mortal but with sight and banishment from Olympus and both camps." When Zeus finished Athena got off her throne and walked to the boy.

"Mother-" He started but was soon cut off by Athena.

"Mother? You are no son of mine. You are a disgrace! You used Persia for fame and glory then cheat on her with the camp slut only to come back and rape her! Do you know the shame I feel when your name is called? How about when you are called my son? So I Athena, goddess of wisdom, law and justice, strategic warfare, and strategy, hereby disown you Andy Trent Robles as my son." They could see this small orb of power come from him, a signal that he has been officially disowned. Athena held the orb when it floated to her and looked like she had made a decision for the better, other than disowning the madman, and she had. She opened her mouth to speak again, "Can we get Persi here-after we send him to the pit?"

Poseidon and Zeus nodded in sync. If it weren't for the situation they would all have laughed at the two brothers who argued a lot with each other.

They watched as a man, whose flesh was purple muscle, popped in. The man radiated power, more so than the Titans and Giants. More so than Gaea. This had to be a Primordial.

"I'm going to spare you the trouble of sending this imbecile down to me and take him myself. Oh and by the way I'm Tartarus and he," he pointed to Andy, "has raped the princess so there shall be pain beyond imaginable." Andy tried crawling away but Tartarus grabbed him by the neck like a cat. Tartarus dissolved taking the failure with him. Athena for some reason still had the orb in her hand.

Everyone in their moment of shock had forgotten about Persi, who was supposed to be brought there. It wasn't until a few moments later when Hestia broke out of her daze and flashed the girl in. Everyone else blinked at the sudden light and were momentarily confused until Zeus cleared his throat.

"Athena asked to see you Persi..." The king said. The girl mentioned looked at the goddess that asked to see her.

"Persi I'm sorry for all that the disgrace has put you through, so, if you accept, I would like to give you my blessing. You would have the same 'powers' as my children and-" Athena grew nervous which was weird. She never did. Persi cut off Athena by saying,

"I'd love to have your blessing Lady Athena." After that was said the orb was shot at the princess and she absorbed the power.

When this was done Zeus stood up from his throne. "Persia Jackson you are a hero, a legend and it has come to my attention that to defeat this new threat and past threats that we all need to fight. We stand by you. But not only do we stand by you but we all would like to give you our blessing. Well, all but those whose blessing you already have."

Persi tried to politely decline but the king was not having it so she shut up as the Olympians (excluding Hestia, Hades, Athena, and Poseidon) had orbs in their hands.

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