Convincing Them With a Side of Primordial Torture

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When he finished Persi had tears streaming down her face. Apollo smiled and said, "Your not alone Persi. I- I love you and I have since I first laid eyes on you. Persi I swear that my love for you is not some trick, some prank. It is real. I love you with all my heart." Persi gave him no time to recover as she had pressed her lips on the god in her presence.


Tartarus P.O.V.:

After I collected the trash I took him to the darkest evilest place inside me... My feet. The others were waiting for me. We tied him up and, I know this sounds evil, we gave him immortality because we don't want him dying on us in the middle of his punishment. We took a vote on who would go first, after the torture the immortality gave. I mean his blood is boiling and he is screaming ahh this is a good day.

When he was no longer yelling Nyx went first and plunged a dagger in his leg and twisted it. Pained screams raked the room we were in. Nyx carved words in his chest before stepping back and grabbing the poison. After pouring it on the wounds he started screaming and she stepped back with a smile on her face.

I was next. I looked at all the torture devices and grabbed a blade. I cut his chest out and rearranged his organs so they would cause him pain. I then grabbed a hammer and wacked his genitals. Screams were still erupting from him and I was kind of addicted. I looked at the torture devices again and grabbed the Brazen Bull. The Brazen Bull is from an Ancient Greek torture method. You stuff the person in a hollow metal bull and set fire to the bottom so they face unbearable heat to where they are being cooked alive. I took the immortal boy from the chains and placed handcuffs on him. I put him in the bull and lit the wood beneath him on fire. It took a minute but the screams came and we left.

Persi's P.O.V.:

I don't know what came over me. Maybe it was the flips in my stomach that I almost always feel around him or the unknown pure happiness when he said he loved me but I just kissed him. Of course, he kissed back then it escalated to where we were making out. Of course nothing last forever but it was to short when the team entered the room with my dad. Of course, dad overreacted and punched Apollo repeatedly before I had to pull them apart.

"Dad stop okay!" I yelled at him the team just stood there like seriously guys a little help! Half of them were grinning like idiots and the others were well no help at all.

Charm snapped out of her trance before squealing "I ship it"

"Sel-Charm seriously! A little help please!" I snapped at her. I was still holding my dad back and it was starting to get to the point where I may have to flash him to England for a few moments.

The others snapped out of it before finally helping me. Overall it took Forge, Thief, Revenge and me to hold him down. He relaxed and we let go for a second before he grabbed Apollo and flashed out.

Apollo's P.O.V.:

The second Poseidon flashed into the Olympian Throne Room I was no doubt scared for my life. He called Father and Hades. Uh oh, this will either end with me in Tartarus or with Percy. I have to convince them that I truly do love her and I'm not using her. I was snapped out of my thoughts when Father spoke,

"Seriously Apollo! What is wrong with you?" This was spoken angrily.

"Nothing is wrong with me!" I yelled.

"Then why in the world were you making out with Persi?" Hades questioned.

"Because I love her! I have since I met her. And this is not a lie. I love Persi with all my heart, my soul. I love her laugh, her smile, her kindness, her boldness, her loyalty to those around her. Hell, I even love her sass!" I smiled a bit before looking at the Big Three. "If you want to keep her away from me, whether it'd be fear or worry, just know that I'm not trying to take advantage of her. I would never do that. And before you ask about the women I've been with just know that I've cared about them in one way or another so go ahead and make your choice as to what you are going to do then tell me."

"How do we know you aren't lying Apollo!" Poseidon yelled.

"1) I can't lie. 2) I am much more mature than you think! And 3) Maybe we can help each other! Maybe a broken god can help a broken gal and vise versa." I said the last sentence in almost a whisper.

Begrudgingly they told me that if I were to hurt her that I would be thrown into Tartarus or something. I quickly flashed out to see Persi pacing the room with the Elite Team trying to calm her down.


Sorry if it is short. I had state testing and a lot of other things to do such as prepare for my dad's birthday of which is... Today it is today. I should go to sleep seeing as it is past midnight where I'm at.

Peace out amazing readers and until next time!

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