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Hello! This is just a short chapter I whipped up for you guys. Watch the video, I found it kinda sad, and tell me what you think.


You don't need to know the details just that this excuse shall rot in the fields of punishment.


Apollo's P.O.V.:

I search the web for something I missed. I've been searching and reading and listening for any clue in the past that my cousin, Persia, is the lead singer of that amazing four-person band. I got ahold of snapchat stories and surveillance videos from the start of their career but she had contacts that made her eyes a more natural, more normal blue-green. She wears a hat covering her face.

I'm now looking at a picture, I noticed a chain. Zooming in I saw a triton. I looked for other forms of jewelry and in a frame of a video, it shows a charm bracelet. The bracelet has a fish, dolphin, hearth fire, skull, triton, and pegasus.

I looked at the clock. 12:30, lunch. Not a split second later the horn blew. Sighing I walked out of the Big House.

There was this room with computers so the campers could do research or online schooling. One time the Hermes cabin ordered pranking supplies that Hermes hid for them in the forest when it was delivered. He gave the Stolls the letter and the got the supplies. Another time the Athena cabin ordered books, and the Aphrodite cabin ordered makeup.

I remember the snapchat story of Persia getting into a fight in the bar. If you looked closely, instead of the blue-green eyes they were sea green, meaning she forgot the contacts that night.

When I got to the Pavilion I saw the Seven, my son Will, my future son-in-law Nico, Reyna, and Rachel at the Poseidon table. Looking closely at Persia I saw her wearing the necklace I saw online and the charm bracelet, looking even closer I saw makeup on her arms. It was almost unnoticeable if not the fact that it only covered the inside of her arm. I sat at the me table and talked with a few of my kids while eating some food. I started humming a tune from Persia's band.

In a past news article, I read why they were called The Brokens. Apparently when Persia and her mortal friend Jazmin invited two people to their house the day they were planning to kill themselves. The four had played truth or dare. Persia was dared to tell them about her past, Jazmin was asked where her parents were revealing her as an orphan. When the other two mortals were asked about their lives was what convinced the heroine and her best friend to not do the unthinkable. The invited ones, Ashley and Liam, told the two friends of how they were barely pushing through what with all bullying and no support from their families the four instantly became best friends. Oh and you may not know but they were pretty drunk during the game. The article also mentioned music being their escape from reality so they formed the band. I looked at the heroine who had to endure such hardships and still, she continues to face them.

I smiled at her beauty. She had her hair flowing down her back like waves, she was wearing a camp shirt and shorts, her silver necklace flashing in the sun, the charm bracelet visible as she covered her mouth laughing at some joke.I loved the way how she could smile even through all of that. I loved how she could joke around, how she could laugh, how she could even stay kind. How someone can stay so kind, so loyal to others even through all that bad? How someone fights two wars back to back, have an absolutely terrible home life, and still stay kind is beyond me. Ok, I'll admit, I have loved her since I met her.

When lunch was over I went over to Persi. Without looking over to me she spoke, "What do you want Apollo?"

"I just want to talk ok?" I responded as I put my hands up in mock surrender. She looked like she wanted to punch me but she sighed.

"Fine. What do you want to talk about?" She answered.

"I don't think you'll want to talk about it here," My voice was quiet, as I did not want anyone to hear.

"What do you mean?" She said.

"It's about your past," I whispered in her ear. She got in a defensive position but then somehow sort of relaxed.

"I have nothing to hide," she said. She was lying, I could tell. I decided to point out some truths to get her to understand what I knew.

"Ok then, what about what that makeup on your arm, or how you just got defensive, or how you flinch away from sudden touches?" She looked taken aback but she grabbed my arm and led me to her cabin. When we got there she asked me what I knew. I told her what the article said. When she told me to prove that the lead singer was her I grinned and took out the photos. I showed her a picture from a few nights ago in the bar, a picture with her necklace circled, and a picture with her bracelet circled.

"Anyone could have the same jewelry!" She exclaimed.

"And the eyes? I mean from the start people knew it was a disguise. You even said it in an interview one time," I told her. She was about to answer when a horn blew signaling an attack.

"Styx!" she yelled as she ran out the cabin. I followed behind her. I saw her, while running, pull her hair up and uncap riptide. I also saw her pull the triton charm giving her a dagger.

Third person P.O.V.:

Persi was the first one there because of her speed. What she saw left her puzzled. She had expected 5 maybe 6 monsters chasing 2-3 demigods, but no. She saw an army of monsters which confused her. This only happens during war. Persi saw Apollo run up the hill a minute later with the same confused expression. Not waiting for the others to run up the hill Persi sprang into action. Apollo followed suit and summoned his bow and arrows.

The demigods came and saw the daughter of Poseidon and the Sun God taking down the monsters. The archers started firing, the healers got supplies, the campers fought.

The enemy army had 100-150 monsters and consisted of many different types of the foul beasts. What no one saw was the Titan Lord in the middle. Persi stood back a little to see what exactly they were facing because the first time she barely scanned the surface. Looking further in she saw her old enemy. She saw Kronos and her blood boiled.

She checked the progress on the campers. When she looked she saw a younger camper, daughter of Adonis, get attacked. The child, no more than 10, was about to be killed when the savior of Olympus let out a loud war cry unleashing power. The cry caused it to rain and caused a powerful earthquake. She set her blades aflame and ran back into battle. With this new found power inside of her, she attacked many monsters, killing the ones attacking the inexperienced while also getting to the middle to take on Kronos. When she got there the titan smiled.

"Ahhh Persia I see you have grown more powerful," Kronos said when he saw the raging heroine. Hero to enemy the two fought. Kronos with his scythe and Persi with her sword, Riptide. When all the monsters were gone the demigods watched the fight. Kronos was desperately trying to get on offense seeing as he was losing badly. Persi definitely did not let rage consume her as she still thought out her swings ant hits. With her ADHD Persi saw her opponent's right defense falter as the titan grew weaker. With full force, the hero crashed her flaming sword into the weak titan's side.

"I'm not the main threat this time granddaughter. You will have to face something more powerful, much older then what you have faced so far," Kronos spat as he fell to the floor clutching his side in pain. The fire was not normal. No, it was pure power. A power that burned the titan immensely. The girl had power, that was no doubt. The titan left to get healed from his master. The demigoddess went up the hill to her fellow demigods, but when she got to the hill she disappeared.

The children of the gods, the mentor, and the Sun God were all shocked. Where did the heroine go? They all knew she had exhausted her power in the fight, so who took the sea daughter? 


Hehehe So who took Persi? Until next time my friends!

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