I Went to a Bar ... Bad Things Happened

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Hello, my wonderful readers! Sorry for my horrible drawing, this is a picture of Ashley, who you will meet later in the chapter. Anyway, read on!


I snuck out of my cabin snuck around the cabins, got to the canoe lake went under water got to the Eastern Hills and ran to the bottom of Half-Blood Hill. When I got there I saw her just pulling up.

Persi's P.O.V.:

"Jazie!" I yelled when I saw her.

"Persi!" She yelled back with as much enthusiasm. "Come on we have to go!"

I got in her car. She had her green band shirt while I had my ocean blue band shirt. The whole band had shirts of which had the band name. (I forgot to mention that during the call I changed.) Jazmin's short brown hair was down while my long black hair was in a braid going down my shoulder. The shirts we were wearing showed we were part of the band because each member had a different shade or the colors that were not on the fan tees. For example, mine is ocean blue and Jazmin's is emerald green, Ashley's is lilac while Liam's is butterscotch yellow. The fans' shirts are all colors though not shades, we always wore our shirts to concerts and if we were going out in public with each other.

It wasn't the respect or the attention we get, it was being known. Being known meant that Gabe can't hurt me, people can't pick on Liam and Ashley, and Jazmin has something to hold on to. The band is not only a symbol of friendship but also a purpose. When we found Liam and Ashley, we were all on the road to suicide. You know a small act of kindness leads to great things. When we met Jazmin invited them to her house. We were planning on inviting someone to find our bodies but that night as we talked we realized that the people we invited were also going down that road. At the thought of it tears had started falling down my face.

"What's wrong?" Jazmin asked.

"I was thinking of when we met Ash and Liam."

"That was the best and the worst day of my life."

"The worst?"

"We were planning on having them find our bodies,"

"Yeah, I still can't believe we almost took our own lives..."

It was silent for a second then, "At the time we all had our reasons."

"I had already been through the war."

"I had lost both parents and with only you to lean on it did not help when you were sulking."

"So many people died in that war."

"You may have won the war but you lost the battle. The battle of life because you lost your will to live."

"Let's pick up Ash and Liam."


"Jaz we are going to a bar. Besides, it will be funner if they come."

"'Funner' is not a word."

"It's in my dictionary."

She snorted. "Like you have even used one." We left it at that and she continued driving.

So we journeyed to the house that would soon to hold the full band. The house was a two-story; 5 bedroom 4 bathroom house. We bought it the money we earned from gigs and sales. The master room was soon to be mine (they insisted that I should be the one to have the room because I was the lead singer [read as leader]), the room across the floor away from mine is Liam's, next to his is Ashley's, next to mine is Jazmin's, and last but not least the only bedroom downstairs is the instrument/practice room . All the bedrooms were upstairs. Two bathrooms are downstairs one (besides mine) is up. Downstairs is the living room, kitchen, and office. The office is equipped with monster proof technology.

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